How do you deal with people you love in your life who have different parenting styles to you and have children who misbehave alot?

No judgements here because parenting is hard. However, a close friend of mine, who I love, parents very differently to me and, in my opinion, does not discipline her child well. Her child runs wild and very much is in charge. My eldest is nearly 2 and getting to the point where tantrums and misbehaving is becoming more of an occurance. My question is, when we meet up, how do I manage my child's behaviour when my friend's child is running riot!?
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You manage your child’s behavior just like you would at home. However your friend wants to parent shouldn’t affect how you parent while around them. Maybe you’ll rub off some.

Is your friend ok with hiw her child behaves? Did she ever look tired or fed up? Because maybe she newsa help and don't know how to ask as well. You need to stand on your parenting style when you meet with her and her child. Have a chat with your child beforehand, saying like it's because someone do this that you need to do the same, listen to mummy etc...I know he is only 2 but I find it help to establish rules before going out. As for your friend, if you are closed, I would speak to her about it. You can ask her first if she is OK when he has a tantrum and see if she is open to suggestions

My friend lets me step in with her child when needed or just follows my lead. Definitely difficult though.

Just keep doing your thing and MODEL to your friend.

“Friends” used to tell me that my daughter would grow up to hate me because I was too strict on her. I’ve always addressed her as ma’am even as a baby. I pushed for ‘please, thank you, excuse me’ etc. I made her do her own laundry starting at 6 (with assistance) and she had to help me clean her room. They said that as a mom I need to do these things for her. She will be 10 in two weeks and we are best friends. She takes care of us when we are sick(same as we do to her when she is sick) she is empathetic, kind and independent. She does her own laundry now, she helps teach other kids at Sunday school and makes friends with everyone. I parent my own way and take peoples opinions with a grain of salt. They don’t matter. I’m raising a respectable young lady that doesn’t depend on anyone and if people have an issue with that idc. Just stick to what you believe in and if your friend’s child is too wild then distance yourself for a while.

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