
I donā€™t really know why Iā€™m posting this I just need to write it out. My son has just turned 1 and Iā€™m 29 weeks pregnant with number 2. Iā€™m having multiple breakdowns a day and canā€™t stop crying, which is making me distracted from work when my job is already demanding / so many deadlines are overdue. Itā€™s all just getting a bit much. My husband is supportive but itā€™s just not enough. I have bad PGP and have been struggling to do much / get out the house and itā€™s gotten my down, to the point where I feel so ā€˜distractedā€™ at being upset itā€™s making me bad at my job and making me a bad mum. I needed to walk the dogs this evening as my husband has been on back to back night shifts so wasnā€™t able to do it, he helped out extra this morning by taking the baby to nursery even though he should have been sleeping because I was upset / needed to go for a blood test for iron levels and was stressing about when I could possibly get it done. I picked my son up from nursery after work and he was so happy. Squealing at every person/child he saw on the way to the car then when I put him in the car seat he got so upset/was screaming. I cuddled him and managed to calm him down and as soon as we got home I put him in the pram to take the dogs out and he was really upset again. He needed to go to bed but I canā€™t walk them when heā€™s in bed and my husband isnā€™t back till midnight. In hindsight I should have left the dogs and played with them in the garden later instead but I didnā€™t, I went out and my little man was screaming the whole way. I picked him up at one point to carry him that worked but my pelvis hurts so bad I thought Iā€™d just collapse so had to put him back. The dogs kept pulling me to one side which hurt so I had to yank the lead. I turned back and on the walk home I was trying to calmly shush little man while crying myself/trying to focus on breathing and just get through it. I just feel like Iā€™ve let everyone down. Heā€™s asleep now but was so upset after being so happy at nursery, the dogs werenā€™t out for long, I was blaming my husband in my head which isnā€™t fair - he genuinely didnā€™t have time today and has already helped me out so much / has this weekend lined up for me to have off completely as he knows Iā€™m struggling even though heā€™s not very well. As well as upsetting my 1 year old Iā€™ll have upset my baby who doesnā€™t even have a name / I donā€™t feel like Iā€™ve bonded with because Iā€™ve been so drained this whole pregnancy. She was planned and I just feel stupid diving in so soon but that makes it feel like I regret her which isnā€™t fair at all - itā€™s not her fault. Iā€™m so upset tonight, the dogs are barking which keeps waking up the baby and I still have loads of work to do which Iā€™ve promised will be delivered by this evening and I donā€™t even know how to concentrate. No point to this post at all - I just feel so sad and exhausted šŸ˜“ Iā€™m luckier than most and hoping this weekend sorts me out to see this pregnancy through to the end and things will perk up but even having to get through till then feels impossible.
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You sound completely overwhelmed - understandably! Can you ask your GP to sign you off work for a few days? Let you get some rest AND get a few bits done, like walk the dogs, so you don't feel so drowning in tasks to do! I don't know where you are but where I am GPs are very accommodating when pregnant

I hope you get your chance to feel better soon! What youā€™re feeling is totally valid. Everything youā€™re going through must be very overwhelming. Just keep your head up and remember that soon enough itā€™ll pass. Youā€™re just going through a rough patch. One day youā€™ll look back and realize how amazing you are for getting through it being a working mom while pregnant plus having a 1 year old AND dogs.

Take a breath... you have a lot on your plate and you are exhausted.. even superwoman needs help momma... share this with your husband xx

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