We have false bedtime starts if we put our LB down for bedtime before 7pm (usually around 6:30-6.45pm). We do this if he has had a long wake window but he always treats the first 45 mins has a nap, will wake up and want some more milk then go straight back over again until the morning. If we put him down at his usual bedtime between 7-7:30pm, we have no false start and he sleeps right through without any major wake ups. 🤷🏽♀️ Sorry, I have no tips. Just wanted to share my experience x
We have been having false starts as well but honestly we think we’re into a routine and then it always changes so who knows if it will stay this way 🤣
Thanks girls. Our false starts ended in a very overtired baby that wouldn’t be put down in her cot at all, so eventually got her to co-sleep for a couple of hours! Think it’s going to be a coffee fuelled day!
Same here! Mine normally goes down at 8.30, then wakes at roughly 10.30, then 11.30, then 1. Till about 4, then wakes at 7. Each time needs a few mins of milk