Own room

Me again! I don’t think I’m quite at the stage where putting my (almost) 7 month old in his own room makes sense, but I’d like to ask those of you who’ve transitioned… How does it work logistically? I feed to sleep, then transfer to the next to me. Surely feeding in a chair next to the bed then having to pick up and over the cot bars will wake him? Another question… did your child sleep better or worse from the get go? Did they spend the first few nights more upset from being alone? Any experiences shared would be helpful! 🙏🏻💜
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Hey! My LG is 6.5m and we moved her just before she was 6m. More from a noise and movement perspective in our room. We formula feed. But we found it took a couple nights but she does sleep better (as long as not unwell, teething, regression) She absolutely adores the extra space it gives her. We personally just went cold turkey and did it one night, we found it worked best. We still contact napped for a couple weeks. But she now does 90% of her naps in cot now too! Happy for you to message me if needed! But we did let her play in her cot, spend time in her room ect to familiarise herself with I wanted to add I do have to rock my little girlie to sleep, wait till she’s asleep then transfer. Key to transfer is slow and steady! Haven’t managed the ‘self soothing’ to sleep yet. Tackling one thing at a time and I enjoy the night time cuddles! Also my LO has never slept all the way through without needing her dummy or feed. So we didn’t tnoice any negative changes for us personally!

hey 😊with the feeding to sleep thing, i'm not too sure as i haven't fed to sleep for a while! with sleep being worse/better - i'm not sure it made a difference initially, and i think sleep's always going to be so up and down for our little ones (depending on teething / illness/ development / sleep changes etc) - with time her sleep has definitely improved, but i don't know if the improvement and room change are linked! i do think what helped for my 7 month old was a) putting her down for naps in her own room first to get her used to her cot before trying it overnight and b) making sure she was aware she was going down in her cot by putting her down awake, so that if she woke in the night she wasn't confused/upset by her surroundings - this did take a few nights of going in to give her a cuddle to reassure her she wasn't alone, which i still do occasionally if she cries - but more often than not if she cries its because something's bothering her (teething, her nappy etc)

Similar to the above, not got experience with the feed to sleep but we started with daytime naps in the cot so he would get used to it and went into it after a week of this. He used to get disturbed easily in our room from the slightest noise of a creaky door etc so it was only fair and he absolutely loves the room and peace now! Started sleeping longer stretches too 🤞🏼

We are transitioning at the moment. She feeds to sleep in an armchair next to the cot. I wait until she's in a deeper sleep then gently lift her into the cot. Sometimes leave my hand on her chest for a few moments just to settle her in before sneaking back to my bed. She's had a few nights of improved sleep, but also a few nights of waking every 2 hours (which she's been doing since 4 month sleep regression 🫠 😭). Overall it hasn't disturbed her anywhere near as much as I thought it would 😊

Hey! My 7m old baby girl and son (3.9yrs) both started to sleep through the night i moved them to their own rooms/big crib. If you’re feeding to sleep then transferring to the next to me shouldn’t be too different to feeding then transferring to the big crib if you feed in their room on a chair next to the cot especially if the cot mattress is raised? I moved my daughter at 4.5m (i know its not advised but my husband doesn’t seem to know how to be quiet when she was asleep and could frankly have woken the dead, it was causing so much stress her waking from the noise) and my son we moved at 6m because we were moving house so wanted to do all the changes together. I moved them both over once i changed them to formula too, my son fed to sleep till the milk didn’t send him to sleep anymore at around 4m and my daughter never fed to sleep once which i found bizarre considering how milk drunk my son used to get. Hope it goes well for you, i think you’ll be pleasantly surprised!

We went cold turkey and in a way it's good because it was easier to get on with it but I realise I should have familiarised her with the room and cot first as she wakes up constantly (used to wake just once a night) and it's not easy going right now - but it's for us to get the room temperature right and I think she's also getting used to a firmer mattress then what was in the next to me. So yeah her sleep got way worse but it always is in a transition phase and I know it will settle out soon. (She's 7.5m)

Hey, I moved my daughter at 6 months. We also went cold turkey. Naps were always fine in the cot but night time was a struggle at first. She woke up a lot more, whereas she slept through in my room pretty much all the time. She's just turned 7 months and only in the past week she's slept for 12 hours straight. It's hit and miss though, some nights she wakes every couple of hours. I think it was getting used to the new environment but also she is teething so it's hard for me to pinpoint the issue but it definitely does get better! I still feed my baby in my room which makes her sleepy then just walk her into her room, rock her a bit then put her down. I found the transition to the cot hard at first but it's just getting used to the angle really, she rarely wakes when I put her in, just stirs a bit more than the next2me 😃

Thanks everyone! I’m just a bit nervous because he wakes 4+ times every night as it is. Last night was like… 8 wakes 🤪 he’s teething at the moment, one has just erupted and another is almost there. He’s 7 months on Friday and I’m not in a rush to get him in his own room but it is something I’d like to do before he turns 1 if I can. The next to me blocks my wardrobe 😭 so it’s tricky to un-hook and re-hook it every time I want clothes. I think I had so much anxiety over sleep in December/January and until I decided to just go with the flow instead of worrying about whether to sleep train or stop feeding to sleep etc. I was so worked up over it. I’m worried the transition will cause a similar reaction for me. Anyway, it’s so lovely to read your stories at all points in the journey 💜

We moved her at 6 months . She didn't know any different, but she had slept in other locations in a travel cot so I wasn't expecting it to be a problem.Maybe start off with naps in her room and then go from there. She now sleeps so much better not getting disturbed by noise and having more space she rolls onto belly and seems to sleep better that way.

We followed Hannah Love’s CALM sleep course which supported us from transitioning from feeding to sleep, to self soothing, to now him being in his cot. The hard bit was actually separating feeding and sleep, to course goes through 13 steps so that by the time we were putting him down in his cot he was ready for that stage and had self soothing skills and just took to it like a duck to water. The other benefit was my husband’s snoring now doesn’t wake him so he now goes through the night (or at least as done for 2.5 weeks now I am aware he may regress at points such as sickness and teething)

Not sure if this is much help, but we’ve not moved our little boy into his own room yet (partly cause it’s not ready yet haha - still doing work on our house from when we moved in - and also because while he’s still up in the night, and it’s me dealing with all the wake ups (EBF), we’ve both agreed it’s more convenient him being in with us still), but we have moved him into his cot in our room, luckily we’ve got room for it without it impacting us getting around. If he wakes in the night, I do feed to sleep and he usually just goes back down absolutely fine - I’ll sometimes poke him hand in though so I can hold his hand and help him settle if he starts to rouse x

I moved my little boy recently and I feed to sleep. I have a feeding chair and then when he’s asleep I give him a little cuddle and pop him in his crib. He very very rarely wakes up when I transfer him - I didn’t find it any different to when I was transferring him to his next to me when he was in our room. For me personally he has slept much better in his own room. He’s my second and my first was a terrible, terrible sleeper until she was about 1 😂 You’ll find what works for you!

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