
What contraception has everyone gone for? I’m thinking the coil but I’m sooo scared of getting it for some reason - I had a traumatic birth so worried something will go wrong. I really don’t want another baby yet so I need a reliable contraceptive!
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I had the mirena for years and LOVED it, I don't do hormonal contraception well (I get depressed and spotty and pile weight on) but I get no symptoms at all with the mirena in. My husband is getting a vasectomy and I'll probably still have the mirena in when my periods eventually restart

@Adele did it hurt to have and the removal? I’m absolutely terrified

I also had the mirena, had it swapped out twice, and once removed so I could get pregnant. It is not as painful as child birth 😂 I found it uncomfortable but not unbearable

I have monolisa coil done( copper iud) I really didn’t want to have another baby and I didn’t like to have hormonal contraception I thought I don’t want to change the balance of hormones in body So I go with it It’s perfect It took less than 10minutes to insert it and I am totally fine Only you will have heavier periods So if you have heavy periods normally it might be worse But if you had normal one, it’s going to be a bit more

@Kimia interesting, my periods completely disappeared

@Dominique yes the doctor have explained to me if you put copper iud you will have heavier periods But if you put hormonal one you hardly have period My period was normal and when she asks me I said I prefer to have periods so I choose coil😀I think it depends to which one should you choose One of them makes period heavier the other barely cause periods to come

I decided on the mirena at 19 because of my heavy periods 😅

I had the copper IUD which is named monolisa the duration is for 10years The copper ones cause heavier periods The hormonal one barely bring any period So you need to choose based on your body

The copper coil makes periods heavier, the mirena and ones with hormones make them lighter or disappear altogether 😊 I found it uncomfortable but not painful, you can have cramps afterwards so I'd take the rest of the day to rest up after insertion

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