Discipline isn’t something I do to my child, it’s something I hope to instill in my child. I don’t use physical punishments & try to just go with genuine natural consequences.
We have utilized many different disciplines including spankings, loss of privileges and physical labor (like cleaning baseboards or detail cleaning)
Ours is still very young but I remember from childhood that spanking / physical punishment didn't make me any less inclined to misbehave, it just made me confused and afraid. I would like to think of discipline as teachable moments rather than punishment. The direction I want to take is to take the opportunity to teach my child a lesson, whether that's not to touch something dangerous and why, or to regulate their emotions when they want something and can't have it.
Depends on what they did and their age. I use all the above methods. But the 1st thing I do is talk/explain.
I do I do a combination of all these things I have a 4-year-old and a 14-month-old both boys in my oldest one will be put in time out and time ends and what I mean by that is I will tell him not to do something and if he chooses to do it again we're going to have to take a break he will sit in time out for 4 minutes I do 1 minute per age time starts over if we're screaming standing up or trying to get out of time out and then I will explain to him what he did wrong and ask him what does he think he can do in the future to make a better choice we talk about it hug and move on Sometimes we take away privileges or take away toys example if he is hitting his brother with a toy will you can no longer play with that toy because you have shown to me that you are being unsafe with it then it turns into a combination of taking away a privilege and a timeout but no matter what the discipline is we're going to talk about it and I am going to explain it
@Parker 又 I don't disagree or agree with this video I think it has some good points but it also has a lot of things that I would have done differently it does have good tools to help you stay calm and control a situation however I do disagree with the fact that he said he was afforditative to me he seemed soft and weak And from my experience knowing how I was as a child I would have laughed at him walked all over him I would not have seen him as a person that I could rely on or feel safe around like he could protect me sometimes it's good to be Stern and Leslie and give less options make it very clear we got two options stand up quickly grab the child quickly look at them on their level and their eyes and be like look we're all done doing this class now you can go eat willingly or I am going to pick you up and carry you what is your choice are you going to walk like a big girl or am I carrying you cuz sometimes you just need to cut out the fluff and get straight to the point
Spanking is usually the last resort type of thing. I use reasoning and timeouts more. I also try to understand why they did it. And what is the reason for doing what they did. Like hitting brother. Why did sister just hit brother? Is what I will ask her. My kids do not fear me. My kids do not flinch if I raise my hands. They know if all else fails, they will get a spanking. But that's usually after everything else has failed. Sometimes, they understand right off the bat. But sometimes they test my patience and boundaries
-Time out (we start this very early) -Spending time alone in their room to cool off. -privileges taken away (no iPad is one of many examples).
imo spanking doesn’t do anything and just shows the kids to be afraid and that anger/violence is the solution
Depends what it is. Loads of things they're still learning. Also depends how old and whether they've mastered impulse control yet. Sometimes a stern look or a verbal correction is enough. If they're being unsafe with a toy, I'd remove it. I do time out for hurting. "Time in" sounds good in practice but doesn't work once you have two kids. Time out is mostly to separate them because I can't exactly help a child regulate their emotions while two kids are screaming at me and/or still trying to hurt each other. I don't spank.
I just like sharing that guys account cause it’s just always a good general example of how parenting doesn’t = compliance from children. I don’t need my children to fear me, at all. I can understand where a child is developmentally at compared to where my brain is as an adult.
I didn’t mean to press the first choice. I really have no discipline style yet. She’s only 22 months so we are at the very beginning. I just help her process her feelings by taking mindful breaths and talking her through the challenges.
Natural consequences or removing from the situation. if she did something to hurt someone else we will sit down together and talk about why she did that and what she will do differently next time
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Discipline is not the same as punishment and 3 of those options are punishments
Natural consequences, but honestly I barely have to do that, talking is enough.
Absolutely none of these options. I don't discipline, to me it's completely useless and just creates inner traumas and fears. I chose to teach my child by talking and natural consequences of their actions.
My kids know if they do wrong there are consequences so it’s not often I have to discipline but hitting is a big no no for me. Imagine someone hitting you every time you made a mistake? Just no
Depends on what they’ve done we use time out and taking away privileges such as screen time or if they’ve been hitting each other with a toy or fighting over a toy then it gets taken away
Depends on what they did but none of the other three as privileges is a bit vague. But would take a toy away if she was being out of order with it
None of those things ever
Usually something that directly relates to what they did, trying to create or just let whatever natural consequences take place to teach them