Had to go back for anatomy ultrasound…

So had to go back for an ultrasound because they couldn’t get the baby’s spine in the last ultrasound I’m currently 22 weeks and 5 days while she was doing the ultrasound she told me my cervix is measuring a little low did a little more thorough check and said my cervix is closed but baby is measuring low. My doctor said to not worry unless I was bleeding or spotting and we’ll do another check at 28 weeks but she’s hopeful it will move up as the baby gets bigger. Has anyone dealt with this? I’m trying not to worry but it’s stressful having a 4 year old and having to rest more and not lift anything heavy while living on the third floor 😩
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I was just diagnosed with the same exact thing at my anatomy scan 2 weeks ago. I have a 2 year old at home too. They told me no intercourse until my next scan. It is called a low lying placenta/ placenta previa. You should google it and read more about it. I won’t lie i have not at all taken their recommendations for bed rest since my diagnosis and have been fine. It is a very early diagnosis at anatomy scan and it is fairly early and most of the time it resolves itself. Personally i am not worried about it at this time!

@Kristin oh that’s interesting she did not say anything about intercourse in fact she said don’t stop and don’t worry if you see a bit of blood after it’s normal. But at this point I’m afraid to do anything. I’m hopeful it just resolves but also a bit stressed cause everything else is good and never had an issue with my first pregnancy so I don’t know what’s going on. At how many weeks did they want you back for another follow up?

Interesting! They said sex can cause bleeding which was something they said i wanted to avoid and to notify them if i have any bleeding. They are having me come back at 24 weeks to reassess the position of the placenta and if it is still low lying they will schedule me for another one after that.

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