worried about my little one… sorry about the length of this

So my lo is 1 year and 3 months old i weaned him in February and since then he has slept separately from me. he’s always been clingy and shy especially when people are around but now he has gotten soooo irritable around people. he will play but as long as no one is touching him or looking at him. I wasn’t worried before cause he’s always been shy and clings to me but his cousins whom he loves having around and playing with were here today and he wanted nothing to do with them, he just kept playing alone and avoiding them like they are a plague. he did this last week too at my sister’s and she told me not to worry cause he’s probably teething. His clinginess is also worrisome cause he’s literally obsessed with me he always sits on my lap or puts his arm around me he basically just always wants to be close to me and no one else. sometimes his dad and his nanny get a pass at his affection too. What do you guys think ? am i over reacting ? is it mum guilt or is he actually reacting to sleeping separate from me? 😭 i told my husband we have to let him sleep with us again and he didn’t like the idea. the new found freedom is too good can’t lie but i just can’t help but be worried.
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Sounds like separation anxiety which peaks again around this age. Also they don't properly play WITH other children for another couple of years so I wouldn't be worried about wanting to play independently.

Honestly, it sounds like a mix of normal toddler behavior, teething, and possibly just a developmental phase. At this age, they go through clingy periods, especially if there have been changes (like weaning and sleeping separately). Some toddlers are naturally more sensitive to social situations, and that’s okay! As long as he’s not overly distressed or avoiding people completely, I wouldn’t stress too much. Just keep giving him the comfort and security he needs while encouraging social interactions at his pace. He might warm up again soon. You’re doing great!

@Natalie Thank you i think im feeling a bit better about it now i was so worried 😅

@Sukey Thank you so muchhh he’s actually doing a bit better. i’ve been giving him teething medicine and it’s helping a lot !!

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