Baby growth measurements

Baby was 90 th percentile at 30 weeks and is now 59 th percentile at 34 weeks. Is this normal? Anyone experienced the same?
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Yep, I wouldn’t want to give birth to a 90th percentile baby!! 😂🥹 my first born was 64, 59 (random percentiles) all the way through and was born on the 9th percentile .. at 6lb 8oz (at 36 weeks). Percentiles really mean nothing I wouldn’t panic. I assume the sonographer was happy with your growth scan?

@Nina yes they were fine with it! I just wondered xx

My baby was 80th centile at 28 weeks, 78th st 32 and 60th at 35 weeks so hoping his growth has maintained at this rate 😅😩

I wouldn’t fixate too much over the numbers - they are not always reliable and it can create unnecessary worry x

I was on the 50th percentile at 32 weeks then 37th at 34 weeks, it is quite normal for them to change, as long as they are in their normal ranges they don’t seem too concerned :)

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