@Audrey I agree, but my midwife said May would give me an extra week before needing to intervene so we went with that date instead.. my first was a shit show and absolutely everything went wrong that could have, I don’t want to be induced. The idea of it absolutely terrifies me after everything with my oldest, not to mention I’m signed up for a birthing center and that would risk me out of them… 🥲 but it’s the reason I’ve spend the entire pregnancy driving an hour one way to go to the doctors I do.. 😭 I don’t understand how it jumped that much either. As far as we’re aware everything perfect, but I said from the start both boys would be huge and so far I’m right so we shall see… 😮💨
Ultrasounds are 50% accurate. Have no fear. Your body will not build a baby you cannot birth.
The further you get in pregnancy the more inaccurate ultrasounds become! The less space they have the more curled up they are and it's hard to get accurate numbers. Trust your baby and your body, you will be fine!
@Sasha Well that just isn't true, women used to die in childbirth all the time, much higher rates than we have now. That's why c-sections are so much more common.
@Audrey to each it’s own, from my knowledge that information isn’t correct however you are free to believe whatever you’d like.
@Sasha No, you're just wrong. This isn't a matter of anecdote or opinion or experience, it's fact. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3511335/
It’s not that I’m scared of birthing him as much as I am another induction it them pushing a C-section. I know scans aren’t accurate but it’s more knowledge than a guess or measuring belly even if it’s off by a bit. A 5 week jump is pretty big. 😅
Mama my due date was April 29, well it still is by my OB. But the hospital that I’ve been seen few times, all ultrasounds come up with baby measuring 2 weeks ahead. Which sounds more accurate because of the last day of my menstrual. So to be honest I don’t know if I am 36 weeks or 34 weeks 😅 all I know is this baby feels so heavy and I still don’t know how many pounds he is until the March 18. I haven’t had no growth ultrasound by my OB since 22 weeks pregnant 😭 trust me I’m scare too because I have no idea how much this baby weight 😮💨
Sounds like the 29th was more accurate in the first place. That seems really odd that the fundal height difference would be such a jump in 2 weeks. Hopefully the ultrasound will give a better idea, but they can be pretty inaccurate. Sounds like you'll probably end up being induced a little early, but I wouldn't panic. My second was 9lb 7oz and they say each subsequent baby is usually a little bigger, but I've been measuring normal so idk. He was also 11 days overdue though. They said no more scans for me though (had one at 32 weeks) so I guess it will be a surprise!