Night time feeds/bonding fading ...

I know many of yall on here couldn't wait to have yall babies sleep through the night and not have to wake up but me I looked forward to that time to bond and just be present as I prepare to return to office 3 days a week....but now that the sleep regression has started to fade my baby has slept since his last feed yesterday night...i almost woke him up by turning off the snoo and even talking to him but he looked at me then turn his head to go back to sleep. So now i sit here at 4 am with my momcozy m5 pumping basic milk instead of bonding...i feel like Im losing something that was only for me in a way. All in all this is NOT a cry for help or advice just a vent so if you feel similarly then share but if not then scroll, thanks in advance
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I thought I was insane for thinking this too!! I just love bonding and feeding my son during the nights! The way he snuggles into my arms agh the best!!! He is 5 months old now and he still wakes up during the nights to feed and cuddle up. Evenings and nights he is only looking for me!!!

@Jovana its a tsunami of joy no matter how tired i am. I love feeling needed by my son too & i look forward to the same with his future siblings.

I just went back to work in the office 5 days a week, and I love all our nursing sessions. This post has reminded me not to feel bad when she wakes up at night, even when Mama has very few hours of sleep. Thank you ♥️

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