@Allie thankyou hun! My main concern, selfishly, is that I’ve heard many women have an “overhang” after a section. Now for someone like me that is massive as previous to getting pregnant I was anorexic and body image is a massive thing for me and with my first (natural birth) my stomach went flat the second she was out it was crazy and I felt amazing but I am so worried even if I go back flat I’ll still have an over hang as I hear so many people say it happens x
I had my elective section on the 6th of January (had a bad year with my first so wanted to avoid further trauma). It was the best decision ever!! I was up walking the same day, home the day after, took things very slowly basically didn’t move from the sofa for a week even when I felt like doing more and by day 9/10 had no pain and stopped taking any painkillers, haven’t had any pain since either at 9 weeks pp. I got to hospital with my boyfriend at 7am, was given a private room where all people involved in the c section come and introduce themselves. Had cannula put in and bloods taken that way. Mostly just waiting to be told I was next, there was one elective before me and an emergency that came up and obviously took priority. Me and my partner were given scrubs and gown to put on, then called into the theatre where I sat on the bed, given my spinal which I barely felt, laid down on the bed with some help as you go numb pretty quickly. I felt very sick but they gave me something …
Through my cannula which took it away instantly it was like magic 😂 then they spray you with cold air to check you’re all numb. From then they start couldn’t feel a thing until lots of pressure when they pull the baby out but this is so quick and then got to see my baby 💗 then they’ll spend about 30/40 mins stiching you back up with feels funny but honestly I was so distracted by my son I didn’t really notice. Then to recovery they keep checking your blood pressure for an hour then down to the ward where you will stay. My son was born at 12:22 so waited 5 hours for my section which flew by to be honest. Good luck to you you’ll be fine. I was a bag of nerves before but we’re only human xx
@Beth thankyou lovely! Very reassuring! How long did you stay in hospital as I’m petrified of hospitals🫣 can you discharge yourself?? Xx
@Courtney you have to stay 24 hours but I was out just after lunchtime the next day so about 26 hours total. As long as you and baby are fine and you have managed to go to the toilet they will send you home. I was basically left alone you’ll be in such a bubble with your baby the time will fly by x
@Beth aww brill my main worry is that I’ve never been away from my 15 month old so I’m more anxious about leaving her than the actual section itself! I just hope everything goes ok xx
@Beth also do you have to inject yourself after? Xx
@Courtney yeah 10 days, my boyfriend did them for me and if I’m being honest they do sting some days more than others but after 10 mins it’s gone x
I’m 3 weeks post c section and very rarely have any pain I can do most things I just have to take it easier than I’d like too😂I was off painkillers on day 3 xx
I just had a c section ( 2 weeks tomorrow!). I was suuper nervous and watched all the videos. Lol but when it came to the actual surgery, I was making it seem MUCH worse. They talk to you constantly to make sure you’re doing okay. I was able to play music from my phone to help calm myself. I had a spinal so everything was serious numb. (The spinal didn’t even hurt?) When they got to it and pulled (both) babies out, it was just like alittle bit of pushing? Like you’re in a bumpy car ride. (I also had a catheter) After I was in the hospital for 3 days. Now recovery- it’s hard. The first week I was on medication around the clock. Everything hurt, and I couldn’t lay straight down. Now, I’m able to walk around a store or two. I drove yesterday (I know I shouldn’t have haha) and I removed my bandage. I only take painkillers if I know I’m going to be doing a lot of walking. Still take it easy, when I move or do too much the postpartum bleeding comes back alittle bit more.
Mine was an emergency but even then they were very reassuring, spinal in which took a while as my spine is quite boney, then laid down, screen went up and I was told it was happening before I even realised, it was a lot of pressure ontop of my ribs I felt like they were really pushing down on me, then my boy was out, they stitched me up and I was wheeled to recovery for the night (happened at midnight after a failed 3 day induction) I was as walking to visit my son in Nicu 8 hours later, laid down and slept absolutely fine and was walking uphill after a week, I kept ontop of my medication and my partner did my 10 day injections for me, they sting but only for a few seconds. I had a slight overhang and my stomach has always been totally flat, I also got a keloid scar which sucks but hey it was literally life or death for us so small price really!
@Courtney it’s an absolute valid concern (as a previous skinny minny myself I totally get it)! If it helps at all I think if you’re naturally thin before it’s easier to go back to that - I had 2 under 2 as well and was bigger with my second but I don’t have any overhang and the last 10lb or so I’m not trying to lose till after I’m done BF. And if it takes longer just try to embrace your body, it’s going through Wild changes to bring a human into this world 🙏
Oh also I could have been discharged after a day as I passed their test (had two wees in a bowl and could walk around) but my son was in nicu so I stayed which to be fair was nice as they kept on top of my medication and helped me with my milk etc, i’m also itching to get back to my firstborn after this csection so am hoping it’ll only be one night away though I can’t deny a little extra time being cared for on the ward definitely helped my recovery
It’s hard to say as each person seems to be different with recovery, but with my first I was ‘back to normal’ within days. Flat tummy, able to baby wear on a 20 minute walk within about a week. With my second it took a bit longer but was still very manageable. I did a baby wearing (fairly intense) workout at 5 weeks PP and it was fine. The main differences were I had a specific pain on my incision that made it difficult to get up and down from laying and that went away around 7/8 weeks PP, and I have a tiiiiiny bit of the c-section ‘shelf’ this time but not like overhang or anything and I’m sure I’ll easily lose it after breastfeeding. In hospital for my planned section I went in 6:30am, was chosen to go first, cannula & spinal (easy and quick), had my music and husband there, baby out around 10am and after a quick check put on my chest for skin to skin Sounds contradictory but main advice is to get up and walk as much as you can each day from day 1 while also taking it easy