Hey Tyiana, nice to meet you! I wanted to leave this here for you and anyone that aligns with it. I started an online business as a SAHM it's super simple, beginner friendly & works worldwide - you can run it in little pockets of your time in your day! It's not MLM, NWM, any weird scam or a pyramid scheme. I'm happy to give you more information DM me.
Amazon flex your only required to work 4 hours a week
I run my own usborne books business which I love. Always happy to chat if you want to message me
Have you looked into certificate programs? There’s always need for project managers and other positions like that, generally you can work around your client’s business hours.
Always research if something is a mlm, even when someone tells you it isn’t please do own research. Mlm type work end up paying lots upfront for little money and a lot of effort. Have a look at part time remote jobs on LinkedIn :)
Try Omni Interactions. I used to work for them but I’m not 100% sure if they hire for your state. It’s a 1099. Also nexrep and I can’t think of the other company. 🥲