To say you are embarrassed by her is a bit harsh....But sure you don't mean it like that. She's 4 she's suppose to push boundaries....and clearly she doesn't at home but does at nursery and that's important she's does it's an essential part of development - she's doesn't have the same challenges at home? Playing nicely, being mean, Sharing toys, group activities.... unless you have another child at home (sorry you didn't mention it so assume you don't) then these are things that she can only play out with other kids, it's not something you would notice at home - Again it's a learning curb.... And the teachers should be helping navigate that other than bitching about it! My LG....Golden Girl... ANGEL.....couldn't fault her....But now she has a baby brother.....Well all these behaviours show themselves....I don't want to play with her Barbie but her baby brother does.....I'm not attempting to take her Veggie straws, however her brother is.....Now I know how she feels about sharing! Lol...
Could have written this myself. I just got in from my boys my plan review and last week we had an education physiologist meeting. He's acting out at nursery and I believe it's because they're not firm with him. I had to tell them to be firm and consistent. Or he will run over you 😂 When we heard the things he's doing my husband and I were in shock cause he's nothing like that outside nursery. In the end, we all decide to be on the same page and do the same things so he knows there's no messing around.