@Sampriti the thing is even since this has begun, some nights have been better so I wonder if this is even a proper regression at all. We went to Poland a week after it began and he woke up twice and went back to sleep easily, which should mean he can connect sleep cycles. Now I am worried I actually got him used to feeding to sleep
Exactly! He was doing fine and waking only once for a feed. I am also wondering if I got him into the habit of feeding to sleep. Just fingers crossed now that it’s a phase.
My LO started her regression at 3.5 months and she's still going strong with it now. We see every hour of the night and nothing I've tried works. She feeds to sleep but doesn't always want to feed to sleep through the night. So I don't think you're creating a habit by feeding to sleep. It's a natural thing to do, and it's just that some babies learn to sleep better earlier than others. I know it doesn't help, but it will get better 😊
My girl has 2 teeth now, I found her gums weren’t actually noticeably swollen until the day before they came in! I kept thinking oh maybe it’s teething maybe it’s teething then bam a tooth so more then likely is and could be him teething waking him up x
@Talor ah that’s great to know! Honestly it’s confusing as regression began but 2 weeks ago he sleep fine like 2 wakes and we thought it was over, now even worse so maybe it’s teething
It’s so confusing! My girl had the regression and teething at the same time but she had never really changed due to a regression so I just thought oh well everyone said how bad the 4th month is and once her teeth came through she started sleeping through again x
Same with us. He just doesn’t settle without a feed. Really struggling with very short sleep cycles between 1-1.5 hours. I keep reading about self soothing to move between REM cycles but my 5 month old is just not being able to do it.