My 12 week scan was similar and baby was fine, it’s well protected in there, but I did feel the same, like someone had pounded my stomach! After a day or so I was fine, but I almost cried in my scan because the pressure was so horrible!
@Gemma im so sorry you felt like this and likewise I was on the brink of tears. It was honestly so painful. I'm lying down now from the soreness!
I had this with my private scan i was in sooo much pain after was unreal@
Had the same experience with my 12 week scan, it was a male sonographer so think he was just a bit heavy handed but it did scare me as i had a previous loss last year and had stomach bruising which i believe was caused by a scan so it terrifies me I do always ask them to scan as lightly as they can now before they start the scan
Naaaaah guys the worst one is having a full bladder for your 12 week scan, I was CRYING!!!
My husband said I was literally hurting his hand as I was squeezing it that hard while he was scanning 😩