ultrasound measurements can be very inaccurate, and fundal height is not very accurate either. i really hate how they fuss over these measurements when they don’t give solid data. they told me my baby was too small my whole pregnancy and she was born weighing almost 7 pounds, so very average. do your best not to stress or worry, trust your gut because it knows best. everything will be okay 💛
This happened to be every time I got measured! I went for scans and they confirmed all is okay, both my babies were born at 8lbs xx
Happened to me as well it was small and next scan it did big jump, they sent me again for glucose in case of diabetes, nothing there gladly. I had tiny belly and my baby was born 9lbs 4oz 😂😂 noone knew how he fit in me
We all carry so differently . With my second pregnancy I had a small bump and it was because I carried mostly in my back . Try not to worry , I'm sure your little one is growing beautifully
Don’t worry. Every baby is different. I had a measurement at 28 weeks and the midwife said he was below the 10th percentile. Went for a scan and they measured him the opposite, at 89th percentile, so he’s normal. The midwife said that they’re are still quite small at 28 weeks so it could be that he was in a ball or lying closer to my back. My bump isn’t that big either but don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll be fine.
Thank you all! Good to hear that it’s a common thing and everything has been fine ❤️
Hey, hope all these comments are helping. I was told the same on my midwife appointment coincidentally about same time and similar measurements. Even though I tried not to worry but it does bother. I went for my growth scan today and so relieved. The sonographer confirmed its proceeding as in accordance with week 20 scan. One I feel measuring tape can give off measurements and I am trying to enjoy this phase as once the baby is here a few cms and lbs here wouldn’t make much difference . I am sure we will all be absolutely delighted to meet our little bundle of joy. So keep the excitement on, it’s all going to be great!
Please don’t try to worry, I measured really small with my first and now my second (currently 31 weeks) my first baby was absolutely fine, 6.12 pounds when she came out at 38+4 weeks. I get the same comments too. Growth scans have all be ok I just make small babies. I’m sure it’ll be the same for you