Did you hit your due date???

My March 19th baby decided to come march 6th lol him so cute weighing 5pounds 7oz
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Was this your first ? I swear by now my baby would be here by now but I think he’s going to his due date

Congratulations! My due date is the 14th and no signs of him coming out any time soon lol Did you do anything to induce labor?

I’m trying not to hit my due date; I’m so over this pregnancy 😭 I’m due on the 23rd, but the pelvic pain is something else man- I don’t wanna deal with it for another week and a half 🥴

@Christina this is my 2nd my first was a girl in 2020

@Saliha I honestly didn’t do anything, I literally was just waiting it out.. and one day it was like 3am I woke up went to the bathroom stomach is in pain so badddd , I’m throwing up on toilet.. I wipe there’s pink I waited till about 5am where I couldn’t stand the pain no more and I get to the hospital about 6something and they’re like my lady you’re 10cm dilated 😂😂and baby came 730am

No 😭😭😭 still grieving the fact I gave birth earlier than I hoped. Babygirl due date was 3/13. Had to be medically induced due to gestational hypertension. Gave birth 2/27.

@Angelyca wow girl you had the delivery i am dreaming of. So quick and straight forward I am going to manifest the same birthing experience

OMG CONGRATS. I hope the same happens to me

@Saliha same here! I am going to manifest the same. Also my due date is the 27th and I’m trying to manifest the 14th because I’m a nerd and 3-14 is pi day and Albert Einstein’s birthday so you got the best due date possible!

My girl came 4 days early 😁

@Nora HAHAHA oh my gosh yes Pi Day! how did i forgot! Def i want my baby to come on my due date 03/14 too

I was due on the 20th and gave birth on the 9th

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