@Casey-Jane thank you for responding. It is so difficult to see them go through this. I’m wondering, if you don’t mind sharing, if any tests were done on your little one or any diagnosis? I am worried I’m just being told my LO can be having UTIs just because, and there’s no answer as to why. And how long does that even mean that my son will be on antibiotics.. I’m just so worried
Of course, it wasn't picked up on during pregnancy, we came home with him and at 3 days old he was peeing really dark urine, he had a UTI test done and of course it was very concerning a 3 day old baby had a UTI. So they did an ultrasound on him which confirmed urine going back into his kidneys, which is a clear indication of hydronephrosis, he then had a VCUG which showed enlarged uriters and the scale of his hydronephrosis which is grade 4 and grade 5. Yes, UTIs can just "happen," but it is very, very rare, and there is usually always a reason, and the main one is hydronephrosis. Little one not being on prophylactic to keep the UTIs at bay will cause more damage as each UTI causes scarring on the kidneys. My son now has an appointment in April for a DMSA, which will show his kidney function. It is very understandable to be worried, but once tests have been done and your little one has the right team helping him, you'll be on the right pathway to finally stop taking prophylactic x
@Casey-Jane thank you so so much for sharing your experience. We have had an ultrasound and they said his left renal pelvis was slightly dilated, but now that’s normal (found out in Jan) but he’s still getting the UTI’s so it sounds like something else is perhaps going on. What was the VCUG like? And what’s a DMSA involve? Have they just advised your little one to stay on antibiotics until he grows out of this or is there any intervention? Sorry for all the questions hun, I’m just wondering what to expect. I feel like I’m so in the dark about everything and that makes me overthink so much
My son has been on prophylaxis since he was a week old after a week of IV antibiotics he's now 19 months, I know its hard and we really feel for our little ones having to be on antibiotics for so long but it really is for the best, my son started spitting them back at me and went nearly two weeks with barely any of his cefalexin and he got a really bad breakthrough UTI and was so unwell, it is the best for them. I would see if you can get a second opinion on the blood in the urine too x