The Mum Club Cardiff

Hi everyone! Just wanted to share that I’ve started up The Mum Club Cardiff, if anyone was interested in joining our events and meeting other Mums 😊 We hold monthly events such as brunches and coffee clubs which you’re welcome to attend when still expecting right through to when your little ones are toddlers. I’d love to start up an “expectant mums” coffee club so you can meet other mums in Cardiff that have a similar due date to you if people are keen? Happy to tell you more if you’re interested or come follow me on Instagram @themumclubcardiff Hopefully will see some of you there!
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Love this idea. I’m Izzy, 30, work in tech sales and my son is just over 2 weeks old !

How exciting Bethan, We are wishing you lots of luck❤️ from everyone at Nurture Antenatal Education Hopefully we can connect really soon x

Have given your page a follow 🥰

@Izzy ♌️ Hi Izzy!

@Charlotte Thanks Charlotte!

@Becci Yayy thanks Becci! Hopefully meet you at an event soon 😊

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