These cost money but not much ;)
My son loves building little dens, we use dining table chairs and bed sheets 😂 put blankets and pillows to sit on, read stories and play with his toys and have snacks in the den. just remind him every 10 mins about going the toilet so it's not a battle when he does need to go. *Go for little walks round the block *Play in the garden (if u have u one) *Go to the local park *Do some cooking/baking, get him to help stir or put the ingredients in ect *Colouring or painting (only free if u already have it) *Teach him to count/Abcs *Play Simon says, eye spy ect *Put the radio on and have a dance, get him to copy ur dance moves, make them silly and fun ect
@Zoey he already knows how to count to 20, but rubbish at abc's. If it isn't an A,B,C or Z, everything else is J, lol
- Painting - Ikea Trains and have fun with the rails - Walks in Park - Farm Trip to see the animals