I assume you’re on a work visa preventing you from accessing public funds… this is really tough. Have you tried contacting any charities focused on women’s rights and families? They may be able to signpost you. There are some community nurseries that have a sliding fee structure depending on income and they are much more affordable than private, they can be hard to get a spot in but definitely worth a try. If you manage to sort out childcare soon it may help with everything else. I used crèche at better health centres when I really needed to do some work. Also see if you can return to work earlier, legally you have to give 8 weeks notice, but they may be willing to make an exception for you. I know it sucks cutting your leave short but it may help you find a more stable home sooner. As for development of the baby I wouldn’t worry too much, babies are raised in all kind of apartments. Do you go to any children’s centres for stay and play or sensory classes?
@Katya the family centre I was visiting tried to help but the council said I was ineligible due to the no recourse to public funds restrictions. Please how do I go about the childcare?
@Elle (i can't see waves) the local council couldn't do anything. They kept on stating that I don't have access to public funds. One of the workers at some point suggested I seek for asylum.
You can take your baby to their classes, lots of developmental toys there, sensory classes, musical classes etc. you need to be there with your baby for it but you don’t need access to public funds for it. That’s just to address your concern of how being in shared flat affects your child’s development. For crèche and day care just have a look at community centres nearby. You were probably denied free nursery hours, that’s not available on work visa. But nothing is forbidding you from going to community nursery, which is much more affordable. Have you thought about returning to work early?
You can seek asylum but you need a valid reason for it, otherwise it may be a waste of your time (and it can drag on). Where is home for you? Could it be a better option to take your child there? Not saying you should but it some countries in EU for example you get more help
@Katya I haven't been visiting the family centre because I'm at a friend's place in a different city. I thought of returning to work early but getting affordable accommodation is the major problem.
@Katya I lost my dad few weeks before my LO was born and mom hasn't been well ever since.
Have you contacted any charities for advice? Women’s Aid for example. There is a long list of charities working with women here https://www.tellthemwell.com/uk-charities-for-women-and-girls/
@Katya No, I haven't. I literally have no idea. Thank you so much
Sorry to heat your going though this, So are you not entitled to universal credit at all or? As considering you don't work and have a child they will assist with rent , I firstly I would contact my local council as even thou housing iis a big issue atm , they could possibly put you in temporary accommodation, untill your able to find suitable accommodation, they can also help pay first month's rent and deposit - Providing you find something in the private sector that covers the LHA- it does take time to come through but you could apply for discretionary housing payment that can help towards rent for a short period of time untill you either find work or something more affordable! X