Does anyone else get nauseous when. The nurse or pump

I’ve experienced this with my first child and now again with my newborn. I had no idea why or knew anyone else that experienced this but I finally found information on it. It’s called D-MER (Dysphoric Milk Ejection Reject) it can cause a few symptoms and I could never find anything on it with my first daughter so I’m assuming the findings are recent because the results showed up so quick on my search! I get nausea, itching and a dreadful feeling. I even hate nursing or pumping around people and didn’t understand how some people can do it out in public. This only affects around 5-9% of women so it’s not common but I thought if anyone else experiences it, I’m sure it would be a relief to know you’re not alone in this
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omg i thought i was crazy it would happen even with a spontaneous letdown and the nausea was the WORST when pumping but it went away after two weeks but the itching and dreadful feeling stayed persistent that i had to stop it was miserable and the ITCHING like it was a painful itch all way up into my armpits like a bee sting😭

I would get light headed and super itchy

I didn’t get nauseous when I pumped but I was super nauseous for a week or two after birth

I am 10 months in exclusively breastfeeding I still get this feeling. I don’t get itching but I feel sick to my stomach every time I breastfeed or let down milk and such dread, thought it would go by now but no😭

Yeh, I have it. Don’t get itching but feel sick, hot and anxious every time. My little girl nurses still, but I don’t get it now, my milk dried up when I got pregnant.

@Rhiannon that’s how I feel when I’m very dehydrated, and I’m sure the breastfeeding dehydrates us! So this makes sense!

@Joelle it makes sense since you have to drink alof while breast feeding

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