I used organic castor oil from the Heath food shop. After a bath tiny drops on her scalp and her little comb to remove the cradle cap. It worked well, I just kept forgetting to do it 🫣🫣😂 congratulations on your new baby 💜🧡
I used organic castor oil too. It is said that it takes off the excess heat from the body. Congratulations ❤️
At that age I only used natural organic coconut oil which was very hydrating for my baby girl’s hair. I found castor oil has a lot of additives that I didn’t think was good for her as a newborn
I used 100% coconut oil x
@Akansha @Laura @Shauna I’m told that the coconut oil should not be applied in the winter because it freezes and can cause fever-cold to the babies. It can be given during the winter. Is that so? Living in Canada it’s freezing outside , so don’t wanna risk it.
@Amy @Sarvani Thank you! Isn’t it too thick and sticky? difficult to remove?
We were told basically any vegetable/standard oil apart from olive oil was okay for the skin when I took our son for a baby massage class @5 weeks old I assume if that's true for skin, it should be okay for hair? I've stuck with virgin coconut oil as it was the easiest one I could get.. I got the one you can use to cook as well just to make sure if he does manage to get some on his hands and eventually mouth it's okay