Have you tried only offering 4oz for the night feed? He might then start drinking more in the day, I think they call it reverse cycling? 😅
My little girl started waking for a feed in the night when we first started weaning. Which was a shock when she's slept through from about 8 week. We've managed to increase her food intake now, i dont think we were feeding her enough before. She has 3 meals a day, 4/5 oz bottle after each meal and then 8oz before bed. She's now having a bit of a sleep regression 😴 she never wants feeding though!
The clocks will be going forward so you’ll be getting up at 6/6:30am, which hopefully makes you feel a little better!
This is my life now too! Same age but since January he's stopped having decent daytime naps. I'm lucky if they are over half an hour. Last few nights we have pushed his bedtime back abit but he's had to have almost an hours nap around 6ish to be able to do that. It's helped a little. He had a feed at 7 and then midnight last night. He's awake now and has been for abiut an hour but if you pick him up he's back to sleep. I don't want to keep bringing him in with me to get him to have a good sleep until a more reasonable time. I have climbed into his cot a couple times last night when he's stirred so he doesn't fully wake up and sit up and want to play. If I do that for about 15-30minutes until he's back off to sleep soundly it's worked abit better for us. The night before we managed to get him to go until almost 10 before he went to bed and he didn't want a bottle until 3 then went back down but then my husband brought him into our bed at half 5 until 7. It's the best sleep he's had and we have had for months.