He’s in the pack n play in our room right now, but he is crawling and standing now so I feel he would be safest in the crib, which won’t fit in our room. My husband and I really want our bedroom back to ourselves and to hopefully get baby sleeping better.
@Brooke I totally hear that. Hopefully your toddler won't wake or will go back down very quickly!!!
@Brooke perhaps you should think a little bit less of you and your husband and a little bit more of your babies!
Went through a similar scenario, it was impossible to have the kids room together, it made nights MISERABLE for all of us. We ended up converting another room for the LO into another bedroom, otherwise one would still be in a crib in our room. If they weren’t separated we would never get any sleep…
I'm in a similar situation. In a month I'll have to move my little girl in the toddlers' room. She's getting too aware of her surroundings, and we are disturbing her sleep. Your relationship with your husband is also very important and directly affects your children too. Don't listen to the negative comments.... I'm just going to put the babies crib closest to the door so I can get to her faster. White noise and keep it nice and dark. Hopefully, it won't disturb the other too much. I'm going to also put a canopy above her bed to try and block off any distractions.
Our babies stay in our room for at least the first year. We just transitioned our 11mo to the bedroom with his siblings.. he wakes his 3yo brother when he cries to nurse 😞 our 5yo could sleep through anything 🤣
@Alexandra that’s so uncalled for. What a disgusting response. Get over yourself. Parents are allowed to want things for themselves. And children need to be able to adapt. She IS putting her child first by worrying for their safety in her room. She can’t fit the crib in there and that’s where the child will be safest due to their ability to move about now… what do you suggest then? Keep baby in her room and in an unsafe sleeping environment?
@Donna Woods I'm not defending Alexandra's response.. however, OP doesn't say anything about the crib not fitting in her room. Also, it is recommended that it's safest to keep baby in parent's room for the first 12 mos. Again, not defending how she worded it.
@Sarah it’s in the second comment down. The first response from OP. She literally says “I feel he would be safest in the crib, which won’t fit in our room”. Also best practice is room sharing with parents for 6 months - NHS guidelines.
@Alexandra love how you chose to read the comment where I talked about where my kid would be safest FIRST, ignored that part and then attacked me for wanting alone time with my husband! Where I live it is only recommended for babies to stay in parents room for 6 months, which we are doing. Perhaps you should try reading thoroughly and using this app what it’s for, offering kind and helpful support and advice!
@Sarah I said the crib won’t fit in our room and I want my baby in his crib for his safety, literally the sentence before talking about my husband. Alexandra chose to skip over that and just be rude. @Donna Woods is right, 6months room sharing is the standard recommendation. My kids safety and happiness are my number one priority, which was the whole purpose of this post.
@Brooke please don’t take it as an attack! I haven’t chose what to read ! You are willing to let your toddler have a disturbed sleep, and keep your 6 months baby away from you at night for your comfort! I don’t know how you can justify that I baby is safer in another room?! A baby is always the safest next to his mum, I don’t care what others says. There are many unfortunate events that can happen throughout the night, wouldn’t you feed better that you are there to intervene asap. There is nothing wrong that you and your husband want your bed back, however I would put my babies first before my husband, always !!!! But that’s just me! After all you are their mum, you know what’s best for them !
@Alexandra so you’ve chosen to ignore this 4 times now…. THE CRIB WILL NOT FIT IN THEIR BEDROOM FFS 🤦🏻♀️ BABY IS OVER THE RECOMMENDED AGE TO BEDROOM SHARE AND WILL BE SAFEST IN THEIR CRIB. The toddler will get used to it. Stop attempting to mum shame under the guise of concern. Ugh.
@Brooke my bad; I didn't see your comment, only the original post ❤️
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@Alexandra Im not doing it for my comfort. I’m doing it because he needs to be in his crib for his own safety. His crib won’t fit in my room. And I created this post to ask for ideas so my toddler won’t have disturbed sleep. So that both children can have safe and comfortable sleep. If putting the crib in my room was an option that’s what I would do, but it’s not. I am putting my baby first. I am not prioritizing me and my husband, only stated it would be nice if things worked out that way. Having alone time with him is not what is motivating this transition, my son’s safety is. The safety and happiness of my children is and always will be my number one priority. 6m room sharing is the safety standard in the US. Looks like you live in London according to your profile so maybe standards are different there but I am following the safety guidelines that my state and pediatrician recommended and prioritizing my children’s safety and comfort first and foremost.
I am not sure why you feel a playpen is not safe, so personally I would probably keep baby in playpen. But since you asked for experiences instead, my baby and toddler do share a room and I just go get baby as soon as i hear him cry. It works for us but I think my toddler is a fairly heavy sleeper
Is it possible for the baby to be in the crib or a pack n play in your room or somewhere else? Just asking bc I know I'd go insane if my toddler was waking up every time too and I was having to deal with that all night