
My baby is 11 month old and still not sleeping through the night, sleeping training doesn’t work. He wakes up at least 2-3 times a night. Not sure what to do at this point, I nurse him back to sleep
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does your baby take late naps? because when my baby would take late naps he wouldn’t sleep good at night so now he sleep early in the day

My baby is 3 months and she used to never sleep at night. I tried everything from swaddling her to keeping her awake as long as i possibly could between each nap. She would NEVER settle in her noses basket so we bought a next to me and she hated that so we tried Co sleeping. I realised that because she naps on me/cuddled up to me, when she was in one of those she would feel like she’s on her own so we just ended up co sleeping now she’s dropped a 2 bottles in the night and sleeps from 10:30pm to 7/8 in the morning xx

That’s pretty normal, especially when they’re going through a mental leap or growth spurt. I look at wakings as protection against SIDS—which is more likely if they’re in a deep sleep state for an extended period of time. It’s a natural protection mechanism. Focus on minimizing sharp lights and noises. Keep the sleep times calming & if diaper changes are needed, use a low light to help him get back to sleep easily. I used a cheap head lamp lol. If he’s up for 15-20 minutes, get up with him & go do laundry, dishes, etc. The repetitive motion will soothe him back to sleep & take a task off your plate. 💕🫶🏻

Mine didn’t sleep through until 18m

Hey! My little one was the SAME EXACT WAY! The only way we could all get some sleep was co sleeping w him BUT! Once he turned one we decided to try again and he finally sleeps in his own crib! I never did the day out method i feel like that stresses them out more and doesn’t help what i did was: During the week, in the mornings we’d spend a good chunk of time playing in his crib, showing him it’s a safe space and that it’s going to be his new bed! Added in all his favorite stuffed animals, toys, blankets, we’d play peek a boo, pretend sleep. Introduced a new stuffed animal ONLY FOR NAPS AND BED TIME deff try sleeping with it so it has your scent so when baby grabs it he can smell you off the toy! Gave him every bottle in his crib, laid him down gave him the bottle and we invested into a hatch, played his favorite songs which also calmed him down. We would try nap time to get him to self sooth on his own, gave him stuffed animal, bottle, turned on the hatch and I’d walk out.

Ofc they are going to cry bc it does take a little adjustment but my little one that weekend learned to sleep alone in his crib! All babies are different if they fall asleep nursing and wake up and they aren’t nursing they are going to cry bc the last thing they remember is being nursed to sleep! It’s tough but YOU GOT THIS! I went through the same thing with my little one and his almost 2 now and sleeps alone! It’s all about finding what makes your little one comfortable! Just remember that they aren’t giving you a hard time, they are just having a hard time.

He’s waking because you’re nursing. Stop the night feeding and he’ll be more likely to sleep through the night.

@Sierra that’s a correlation, but scientifically unfounded. Many babies need more support overnight and removing a core component of encouraging sleep is likely to cause more tired caregivers and babies.

Hang in there.. consider trying the Lovebug sleep app and chat with a sleep consultant. If there is the option of putting baby in a different room consider that.

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