Growth scans

Yesterday I had a hospital appointment for baby boy as he was considering small as he was under the line, I’m currently 24+5days pregnant and he’s now weighing 1lb 14oz is this considered normal or too big? The lady who scanned me was not interested in answering mine and my boyfriends questions.
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I would contact your midwife as our last NHS scan wasn't great and didn't say much. Spoke to our midwife and she was lovely and explained everything

Ahhh I’m sorry you had that experience! I will say that sonographers aren’t always the best placed to answer questions based on the fact they don’t necessarily know the background of why your being scanned or anything else that maybe going on (obviously not counting the 12 week/20 week scan) so they’ll do their report and leave it to midwife/consultant. They definitely could have been more reassuring though and I hope it was at least nice getting to see baby again! I’m no expert but from google it definitely looks like he’s in the right area for weight. Growth scans are much more accurate than fundal height but equally when they’re this small it’s still really hard to get accurate measurements for them. My daughter was estimated to be 10lbs at birth and she went 10 days overdue and was still only 8lbs6 and my son was meant to be around 5lbs 5 days before he was delivered at 36 weeks and was 6lbs9. I hope you get a better answer soon! X

When I was pregnant with my first he was also under the line so had to go for a growth scan. He was absolutely perfect when he was born. He was 6.15lbs so was slightly on the smaller side but was a very healthy little boy. He’s now shot up and is so tall for only 2 but thriving. I wouldn’t worry too much about much as baby’s weight can fluctuate. Aslong as your feeling movements as normal I’d say you will be absolutely fine! 💞x

Would be a a bit higher on the percentiles but not crazy high it’s not more then a 25 week should weigh x

At 21 week scan my little boy aas weighing 13 oz which is under 1 pound, I'm 26 weeks now and think he's either almost 2 pound or under 2 pounds, I've got growth scan in April my 32 week one so I'll be able to see rough idea of what he weighs and could be weighing at birth. Both my babies have been small, one 6lbs, 7oz and other one being 6lbs 14 oz but both were Diddy. I reckon this one could be between 6&7lbs they are never accurate though it's just a estimate x

I wouldn't worry the weight seems normal to me, you'll be able to see at next growth scan if your having another x

When I went at 24 weeks on the dot mine was 1lb 11oz , I’m their on Tuesday for my 28 weeks growth scan I think he’s gonna be around 2lb 10oz x

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