So I was combi breast feeding at night and pumping in the day. I often found my left boob didn't like pumping and would often go hard (multiple weeks in a row) and I would start to develop mastitis. A friend who is a lactation consultant said guidance has completely been updated for mastitis prevention in the last few years. She recommended: - no heat - ice for 10 mins every hour when awake - no deep massages. - massage should be lighter (see video) and work way from nipple up to armpit and not the other way around. - feed or pump as normal - ideally avoid antibiotics as they now know it's rarely caused by bacteria - take ibuprofen as an anti inflammatory Generally it's very little about ducts being blocked and more about the tissue around getting swollen. I followed what she suggested and it worked well for me. Can't guarantee it will do for you but worth a try.
You can give her a follow on Instagram and if the above doesn't work, maybe book a private appointment call @lactationconsultantleeds
I should say, due to pressures of work my 10.5month baby is now on formula in the day but only as of last week. Anyway - hope that helps 💕
@Helen I follow your friend on Instagram (she is local to me) love her posts! X
I find dangle pumping with a Hakaa really helped whenever I had mastitis. Or could feel it brewing. And ice and ibuprofen worked amazing. It’s possible the pump isn’t right for you. So as others have said a lactation consultant might be able to check it
Hi Elle. I'm a breastfeeding counsellor. If your having recurring episodes of mastitis my first thought would be that your flange sizes need checking /adjusting. You can also take sunflower lectin which is helpful in preventing blocked ducts. Others have already mentioned ice and ibuprofen being what is recommended for mastitis now. Also, if you are interested and wanted to, it's not too late to try direct breastfeeding with the right support. Feel free to message me if you wish. X
@Charlotte thank you Charlotte (and everyone else too!). How can I know if my flange sizes are wrong? I’m thinking it’s definitely the pump that’s the issue here , my nipples are injured and cracked from it, will that be causing the mastitis?
Here's an image I found. Definitely sounds like a pump issue. Your nipples shouldn't be getting damaged from the pump.
I don’t have any advice (sorry) but could you find a local lactation consultant to support you or even reach out to your local infant feeding team? If you can’t, there’s a group on Facebook called BFYM - Breastfeeding support and that is FULL of information and it’s ran by lactation consultants so you’d be able to get some really good advice. Just also want to add well done you’re absolutely amazing because the commitment to pumping is intense 🤍 and then add in recurring mastitis! Absolute super woman 🤍