Just go and enjoy your hens and when baby needs to feed you can take some time out and fill her up. Big thank you to your partner for that. Feed her before you go. She can snack on a couple of things. Then a visit with one big feed halfway through. Then come home a couple hours later. Should let you have fun for a good 6 hours or so
So the general milk rule is one ounce /30mL per hour of milk. Try to have that much plus a little extra. You say she won't take a bottle, have you tried without you being home before? Sometimes they will only take it when they are really hungry and mom is not around. But I have a close mom friend-her firstrefused a bottle. Her husband had to bring the babe to her work to feed every few hours. So I guess expect that.
Thank you! @Katherine Yeah the few times we’ve tried have been without me there, once when I left her with my husband for almost 2 hours and once when we left her with my MIL for about the same amount of time. He’s going to try a bottle and if that doesn’t work we have a few different sippy cups to try that I’ve been giving her water in (somewhat unsuccessfully so far). I’m going to try and stretch her feeds out this week as she’s currently on the boob ever hour and a half on average so can hopefully do what @Jess says Trying to trust in “if she’s hungry she will feed”
I have the same problem! My mum will have my little girl near by and she will just have to bring her to me to breastfeed her when she needs it. But mine only feeds every 3 hrs or earliest 2