My c-section was booked for 37 weeks. Then had an emergency c-section 36 weeks due to low fluid in baby A's sac and she was measuring small but the babies didn't need any nicu time
My induction was set for 38w5d and I went into labor on my own at 36 weeks exactly, they were born at 36w1d, I pushed out both babies and both placentas in less than 30 minutes, and with zero nicu time we were all home 48 hours later! No way I was making it to that induction
Due date 5th may? I’m the exact same! DCDA twins, boy and girl🥰got my scan tomorrow but last scan girl (T2) was breach!! I’m hoping to go for a natural!
I hadn’t gone to to labour naturally at 38 weeks, so had to have a c section as Baby A was breech x
I had my c section scheduled for 37 weeks. Went in for my routine appointment at 34 weeks. Baby A was breeched, and Baby B was measuring smaller and was not getting enough fluids, so I had an emergency c section that same day. They spent 2 weeks in NICU
My C-section was booked for 37+5 and I made it to the date as planned. Dcda twins
@Kylee you’re in the US, right? In the UK they are really strict about not letting twins go past 38 weeks, is it different in the US? Sounds like you had an amazing birth! x
@Michelle it depends on the pregnancy! Di/di are the least high risk twin pregnancy and a lot of the time treated similarly to a singleton when it comes to induction especially with zero complications and perfect growth like we had! But yes I'm in the US!
26 weeks.
We made my appointment for c-section at 39 weeks and a day and we booked about 3 weeks in advance
I had one twin measuring small. So had my babies at 36 + 4 x
@Tamsin how was everything after birth did you have to stay in, and did your baby need support ? Xx
@Alex Bennellick the girls were absolutely fine. They actually both came out 1/2 a pound heavier than predicted. 4lb 13 (was the twin they were worried about) & 5lb 13. Didn’t need SCBU. We did have to stay in for 3 days but that was due to me & my complications due to previous medical problems - not them ☺️. I’d do it all again in a heartbeat, it was magical xx
I had my induction at 36 + 5 due to my BP starting to rise. I dialated to 4cm quickly but they made me wait until a birthing room was free before breaking my waters but my waters went naturally at 37 weeks and I birthed both my girls vaginally at 7lb and 8lb 5oz either side of midnight so twins with different birthdays ❤️ no nicu time needed but my twin a needed phototherapy for jaundiced, we were home 3 days later xx
I think my C-section was booked for the 26th July originally and was brought forward to the 19th July due to swelling/early pre eclampsia. I ended up going into labour on the 13th July at 35+4 and delivered via section x