I think it's too easy to get stuck in this rut, or the "room mate" phase as people call it. Would it be possible to get a babysitter (grandparents maybe) and go on a date? I know you want to prioritise your baby, but your relationship is important too and needs to be up there on your priority list for sure! It also sounds to me like he needs some reassurance that you still like him and find him attractive! I think women forget that men need this too, not just women. My partner being a good dad and supportive partner is so sexy. Although, we've both had stinking colds recently which has just thrown us both right off intimacy 😅
You feel unwanted but you’re the one that initiated the rejection. He feels rejected and forgotten probably. It’s a matter of time before he finds affection, if he hasn’t already. Agree that your baby has higher priority, but shouldn’t be your only priority. How would you feel if he had said he wants to focus on the baby instead of you for now? Turn every word & every action you’ve shown him towards you & reflect on how you would feel & want being in his shoe. Show that grace towards him first. Based on what you’ve said, he seems to be an understanding man. It’s never too late to apologize.
It's really common to go through the room mate phase, been there myself. Is there anyone who could babysit for a few hours so you and partner can have some quality time together and maybe make it a regular thing, and just remember you are more than parents
I get this. I’m 5 months postpartum and we’ve had many many conversations around intimacy and even just general thoughts of “do we even like each other still 😂”… we were very much that couple who got intimate with each other 4-5 times a week pre baby and now it’s like once every week maybe.. my best advice is to keep talking about it, but don’t let it become an argument between each other. We see a couples therapist and she has been fabulous in helping us navigate this new dynamic. At the end of the day a baby is a huge shift in a relationship and it takes communication to keep things going. It’s okay to have days or weeks where you feel like room mates, but don’t let a day go by where you don’t tell each other I love you, or you are doing great etc. even just holding hands is a great way to say “I love you. We got this” also, remember that before baby it was the two of you.. go back to what first attracted you to each other and lean into that. You’d be surprised what that does!