From the scan findings
Due date is based off the size (CRL) of your baby, for example my due date was the 24th but baby was always measuring ahead in the earlier scans.. at my 12w scan yesterday they confirmed my EDD is now the 20th which has also been changed/updated on Badger notes x
It is possible that they may change your due date but usually they don't unless you are consistently measuring several weeks ahead. I would go with whatever due date your doctor has given you. At my first scan our daughter measured at 7+3 but then every scan after that she was consistently measuring a week ahead. I believe she measured small at the first appointment because I was so horribly sick with morning sickness that she wasn't getting the nutrient she needed to grow but then after I started taking medication and was able to hold down food and water, she started measuring a week ahead of our initial scan. Our doctors decided to keep our initial due date even though she was always measuring a week ahead and she ended up being born two days before our due date via induction.
Depends on your doctor. I measured earlier too. My paperwork showed due date based on cycle 1/6/25 and due date based on measurements 12/31/24. My doctor went off the cycle due date. Just be prepared because I went into labor 12/31
Thanks everyone
i thought you were supposed to count from your last period, it’s all an estimate anyways
Due date is just an estimate, not set in stone. Fetus growing to fast could lead to GD. The only reason why I know my exact conception day is bc it’s the only day I was active before planning on breaking up with baby daddy. 😆 It was very different and felt magical in a way… little did I know it was going to lead to a lifetime bond instead of a breakup 😭😭
Due date usually goes by the measurements from your 12 weeks scan