Am I not doing enough? (honest opinions)

My daughter is 11 months old and she has just started nursery. Yesterday she was playing with her uncle when her dad came home and picked her up and said she feels warm, I was doing the cooking so I said when I get a chance I will check her. She was acting completely fine so I said she hasn’t got a temp maybe because she was wearing a fluffy outfit the whole day. We struggled to get her to sleep and she fell asleep in our bed which is not like her. I checked her with my hand she felt fine. This morning nursery called me saying she has a temperature. When I told him he said I told you she felt warm yesterday. When I went to pick her up they said she has been completely fine she has eaten and everything she just felt warm so we thought we would check her. Guess it wasn’t the fluffy outfit. Then I called him to say I’m taking her to the pharmacy to check for an ear infection and he said I’m not being funny but you don’t exactly look after her. I come home from work and she is a mess. She is in her nighty ready for bed, she is all showered. Yes I haven’t put oil in her hair which I don’t do everyday maybe 1-2 times a week. How is she a mess. His words were you are the one who thinks your a bad mum and I will just leave it as that. Please tell me where am I going wrong?
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No where, hun. Going back to work and looking after a little one isn't easy and at nursery kids pick up everything. It wasn't clear in your post where you check for temperature when you touched her. Baby's heads run warm and hands and feel cold so it's recommended to check the chest or top of the back if you don't have a thermometer. Your partner doesn't see the work you do put in. Think about all that time you were at home with baby all day everyday, the night feeds, your weekends with baby. All that work you put in to make a perfect little human. You're doing a great job Mama ❤️

What does he do? Instead of just telling you she feels warm, he could have checked her temperature himself or gotten her ready if he thought she was a mess. You're doing nothing wrong. His comments are completely unnecessary, and he needs to take his head out of his ass.

He could have checked her temperature, it's not just up to you to do everything. If he was concerned he should have pulled his finger out his backside and done his dad duties and checked. You're doing great. When our kids act normal is hard to know if they're unwell

@Jayde couldn’t of said it any better

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