
Has anyone had an epidural that didn’t work? I was poked 3 times for my first epidural with my son, which did not work at all. They tried a second time and it also didn’t work. I plan on having more kids and I’m wondering what my chances are of this happening again. Has anyone who did have a failed epidural choose to try it again with their next baby? Did it work that time? Thanks in advance!! UPDATE : wow. I knew every woman’s experience is different, but it’s just crazy to read about. I was admitted and induced 5 days after my due date because of my blood pressure. I was given Pitocin that night to encourage my cervix to ripen because I was barely more than 1cm dilated. Once contractions started, I was given IV meds. Those worked amazingly. When it was time for my next dose, I felt all the effects of the meds except no relief from my contractions. They would not give me an epidural until I was 3cm dilated. I begged and begged, and screamed and cried for it before I was finally able to get it. When the anesthesiologist came in around 3am to give me the epidural, he jabbed me in my spine with this metal thing. (I’m assuming to find placement for the epidural.) When he finally was able to do the epidural, it was so painful. I still felt all my contractions. By morning, I begged someone else to come check my epidural. This time a different anesthesiologist was called and he performed the epidural so fast and smoothly. It was not painful at all. This time when he performed the epidural, I felt a warmth from my toes all the way up my legs, which I guess he said was good. That epidural failed as well. I still felt everything. The contractions were so painful. It was the worst part of my labor. During my 3 hour delivery, I was screaming because of my neck pain more than I was from delivering my son. Thankfully my sister and doula massaged my neck for 3 hours straight or else I don’t think I would have been able to do it. Finally he was delivered with vacuum assistance to avoid an emergency c-section. I know for sure I’ll want pain relief in the future for my next delivery. I’m just worried that with my next child, the epidural won’t work again.
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Yes I was poked twice and I remember I was in the worst pain ever after all the medication wore off and I was left the hospital. My pain lasted almost three months! Did you also experience this?

He said the first one fell out of place 😵‍💫

My epidural didn’t work and no one believed me. I ended up having a C-section with no meds

My second epidural gave me back pain for 7 years afterwards.. my next 3 I chose to go naturally at home and they were amazing experiences (with a very experienced and reviewed midwife who's now one of my favorite people..)

My mum had 4 kids and it only never worked for one out of four x

It happened to me. Worked at first then failed. But it happened during my 2nd pregnancy. It happens for 15-20% of the time. I wish they explained that to moms before giving it alongside with the real side effects. The epidural is a VERY complicated procedure and depending on the experience of the anesthesiologist plus your anatomy it can be difficult to perfect it. Now I didn’t want the epidural (needed it to have a procedure done) so I was happy it failed personally. Since it failed both times, maybe discussing before hand and seeing what possibly went wrong could help prevent it happening again. Maybe your spine isn’t as straight you know. Look into having the gas and air or getting a spinal. It’s a type of epidural but it’s given like a shot. Basically they give you a spinal before the epidural is supposed to kick in. The only thing is, it only last 1-2hours.

I’ve had two epidurals, but there was complications and I had an emergency C-section, but even with that I only felt pressure and they gave me anesthesia on top of that while I was under the scalpel.

Me! I had one and it worked for a few hours but then it just stopped and I'd press the butt9n every 15mins and they just didn't believe me. But I was able to STAND. I was able to squat. I could turn myself over. And I remember one of the nurses kind of giggle and being like "this epidural is wearing off" and i screamed "it stopped working HOURS ago!"

I had an epidural with my first, poke was successfully done but I would push the button and could still feel everything. I wasn't allowed to get up and move, the nurses had the peanut under me. 2 different anesthesiologists gave me something stronger, one calling it a cocktail. Wasn't until the nurses came to move me again did my partner notice the tube was bent behind my back, nurses made a face but didn't say anything. All that to say is make sure the tube is checked, because I got a flood of meds and was trying so hard to stay awake during delivery. I passed out once my daughter was born and stayed asleep until the next day

Because I have red in my hair it didn't work for me at all. I'm not bothering to try again.

Mine worked but it was one sided and then while moving down the bed for a cervical check it accidentally got pulled out and we didn't realize until 20 minutes before pushing time 🥴

They tried 4 times on me and the epidural never took. Gave birth vaginally naturally

@Kayleen is that scientifically proven? I’ve never heard of that.

@Laney yes. Redheads don't react the same way to anesthetics like other people. They generally have to have 2 to 3x what everyone else has to have the same effect.

@Kayleen wow I didn’t know that. Thank you!!

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@Laney no problem it was news to me too when they told me after.

First birth it worked, the other 2 it did not.

I was poked once and that shit worked great for me … the girl who did me knew what she was doing

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