My boy was on hands and knees screaming crying shaking while pooping 😢

He was a bit constipated for a few days, having only small drops. Then today this happened it was really hurting to poop. He's had a cold for 2 weeks so had poor appetite. I'm guessing that's why he was constipated as didn't get enough fiber. However he has been clinging off my breasts for 2 weeks so I know he was fed. Has anyone's baby had a really sore poo? How do I help quickly?
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Prune puree works an absolute charm I swear by it. Orange juice is also really good to help with constipation. If he’s breastfed you can try eating lots of fibre yourself to pass it on onto him. If he’s that constipated though it might be worth asking a doctor for some stool softener or laxatives to help him go.

My little boy has been extremely constipated while switching to cows milk, the doctors said he has chronic constipation and is on laxatives. Some days his poos are so hard and big they tear his bum and he poos on all fours screaming. I find it in the moment to massage around his bum hole to ease the poop out (graphic I know) and then massage his tummy. I’ve also been giving regular prune pouches and half and half bread to increase his fibre intake x

We had about a week of this a few months ago and it was so sad to see our little girl in pain when pooping. We gave her prune pouches but they didn't seem to work so ended up using lactulose on the GPs recommendation and it worked. I've got a friend with a baby with really bad constipation ever since he was born and she swears kiwi and pear are also great at helping things along

My LO after his injections was pooping all the time to the point his bum got really really sore. That was 2 months ago and it still scares him now to poop, he stands up so it doesn’t come out well and blocks him up. There’s a lot of the time I have to help him rotate his legs, bring his knees up ect. I give him prunes every week. But I’ve even had to do what bethaney has said and massage with a wipe to help him push it out.

My LG was really constipated, and she had large poos where they would make her bleed. It was horrible to see her in such discomfort. It seemed to be with the transition to cows milk, having taken her to the GP, we’re now eliminating cows milk and using alternative milks alongside lactulose, and seeing how we go for 2 weeks. Mainly because her brother is dairy free, so I think she’s followed! We’ve seen a significant improvement with the texture of the poo and her ease of going since changing over! The Dr told me, cows milk intolerance can hit at three different stages, newborn, 6 months when solids are introduced and then a year old when cows milk is introduced!

Warm baths, more fruit, water throughout the day - these are all things that can help! I also sat my daughter on the potty when she was straining, it seemed to help her go more freely! (We’re not potty training yet, but I thought I’d give it a go!)

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