Do you believe a woman is supposed to cook and clean?

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So are men tho. Just basic life skills.

No. Men are just as capable of doing things women can do. A relationship should be equal to the responsibilities of a home.

I believe in roles within a relationship/family, but I don’t think they have to be the traditional ones. An example being that sometimes it makes more sense for a stay at home dad and the mom works

For their children 100%

It needs doing in a home, but no, no one is supposed to do it, it just needs to get done. The division of labour is going to look different in every family but it shouldn’t be gender based.

In my experience men who believe it isn't their job to clean up after themselves are class A jackasses and end up the sort of deadbeat fathers that are posted about on Peanut.

Yes and so should all capable adults

I voted yes but I also think men should cook and clean. Pretty basic skills for capable adults.

I mean yea. But so are men. My husband is the one that mostly cooks. He enjoys it and he’s the one that knows how. I do breakfast and lunch for us he does dinner when he gets home

I mean, if we want to go back to Viking days, women were keepers of the home in every sense of the word, down to having complete control of household finances - imagine how these guys who want a homemaker and a live-in maid would handle living on an allowance from their wife. 😅


If you’re an adult living in a shared space you should clean no matter the gender. It’s also just basic life skills being able to cook so everyone should know how to.

I think if you’re a grown up who can’t cook or clean….ur parents failed u

I think everyone should cook and clean and when in a couple the load should be shared

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I’m assuming you mean like is that a woman’s role in the home. No they are not specifically jobs for women. Anyone who eats and makes a mess needs to cook and clean

I think EVERYONE has to be able to cook and clean, coz one day your person who does it for you might be dead or the money u have to pay someone to do these tasks may no longer exist, and u dont want to live in a messy shit hole on microwave meals so everyone should do some cooking n cleaning as basic part of being human

It should be a team effort honestly

It’s part of being a natural nurturer. I do frown on women that don’t know how to cook too lol This isn’t to give men a free pass if they don’t. Cooking is a basic life skill everyone should have. However, some people have a life that doesn’t require them to cook or provide them the time to do so. They either eat out all the time or hire a private chef

I will go above and beyond and say that all people: men, women, and children should know how to cook and clean. There are so many aspects and decisions on if a woman is supposed to cook and clean. Does she provide a good portion of the income for the family due to a job skill she has? If she does, then she shouldn’t have to. But if her husband/partner is also a breadwinner and doesn’t have time to cook and clean, then they should look into outsourcing it if they want to spend quality time with each other. If she doesn’t provide a monetary income, but is staying at home with kids, that’s still work that could have been outsourced, but is being filled by her. If things aren’t getting done that needs to get done, and the other spouse wants it done, then that spouse should help with that task or let it get done when it gets done. Better that tasks are divvied up equitably, but it’s not always possible depending on realistic or unrealistic expectations.

Yeah but so is the man lol

Pressed yes by accident but definitely no

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