How to settle in crib🩵

My March baby arrived on the 8th. He is not a fan of Moses basket / next to me crib and will only settle on me meaning I can’t sleep. Any tips? I didn’t have this issue with my first.
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don’t worry i’m in the exact same boat as you!! my little girl ends up sleeping in bed with me

My little one arrived on the 8th too! ☺️ Have you tried swaddling? My boy really settles down overnight with the love to dream swaddles on, the ones where they can have their arms up x

I had this with my first! My second (born 28th Feb) is easier so far! But from memory with my first I just kept putting him down overnight in the next to me. Sometimes I only got 20mins before I had to resettle him but I was not comfortable co-sleeping. On bad nights I did shifts with my husband so we both got a few hours sleep. It was rough but my body quickly got used to it and my son also quickly got used to being put down in the cot. Hang in there! X

We had the same issue with my first. Swaddling really helped us I would definitely try that So far the second sleeps in moses basket but not in next to me as I think it's too big for her so just trial and error with different options, you'll find something that works for you keep the faith x

My little one would only settle if I put his sleepyhead in his next to me 🤷🏼‍♀️ it’s a big empty space the cribs without and they’re used to being all cosy in our bellies 🥺

Our little boy was the same. We used to put a hot water bottle down and get the mattress nice and warm first and that sometimes helped but otherwise we had to do safe sleeping in bed with us x

Ive heard warming the crib up first with a heating pad works really well but i am also overdue so am not speaking from experience 🤣 but will defs be trying it!

I’m literally having the same issue! And they’re birthday twins!🩵

My boy was born on the 6th, he is well and truly a velcro baby, nothing like my first, he hates everywhere but on me and will cry and cry until I pick him back up, I'm so sleep deprived it's ridiculous. I've never liked the idea of co sleeping but tbh it's definitely going to be safer than the long blinks I've been having.

I had the same issue until I bought a swaddle bag and now he settles so easily into his moses basket! He’s still not a fan of being in the next to me so I take our Moses basket up to bed with us and place that inside the next to me. Some nights he’ll can be a bit restless but I play some white noise and he settles straight away.

My first would only settle if used a nest in his next to me crib think it’s too big and spacious for them! The purflo is supposed to be safe sleeping overnight x

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