@Lauren R she finally napped and woke up at 4:30 so I’m in trouble 😖
You should consider a routine if you havent already. My LO will not go down unless i stick to routine. he doesnt give me any trouble when its time to nap or sleep because he knows its time for nap or sleep. We wake up around 7am. He should be getting tired anywhere between 10-12, so whenever he starts to look pretty drained or low energy, i take him to bed. then he will wake up anywhere from 1-3 and then bedtime at 7:30/8 after a warm bath, sometimes 8:30. But they have SOOO much energy at this age so I usually try to tire him out by taking him to the park or going on walks. Before, i struggled to get him to fall asleep or nap. but its because i never stuck to a routine. But every tot is different. I hope my comment helps. Good Luck to you mama 🫶🏼✨
I should also add that when i put him to nap, the room is dark/dim. He falls asleep better than when theres some kind of light on. 😅 So we got Black Out Curtains. (Cheap ones from Big Lots) So its not PITCH black in there lol
@Neena Thank you. I do have somewhat of a routine for her but lately she’s been giving me so much trouble with naps and when it’s off, the rest of the day is off and sometimes the next morning.
Completely get it! Some kids have more energy than others. I hope it passes soon and she will nap for you. Maybe some Chamomile tea? I used to put it with my sons milk like an hour before he slept. maybe 1/4 chamomile tea and the other 3/4 milk.
Yesss! My kiddo is 22months. Recently, we have started fighting naps. So, some days we nap, some we don’t. So, now, we just go with the flow. If the nap happens, great! If not, we don’t force it.