Are you ever able to get her back down? Do contact naps work? Our boy will often wake after 20-30 minutes as this seems to be when his sleep cycle resets; some rocking and forehead strokes and he can be convinced to go back down x
As others have said signs like her sleep cycles are 30 minutes. Short naps won't harm your baby, but as others have said baby wearing might help, or picking her up to soothe her just before she normally wakes up might help her link the sleep cycles. I eat my meals and get stuff done mostly when baby is awake which massively takes the pressure off naps. If you can do I suggest trying the same
@Kat I have a wrap carrier and she used to sleep on me but she hates it now 😔 she used to sleep longer in the pram as well but last few weeks even in the pram when we’re out she sleeps 30mins and up like an alarm clock went off and won’t sleep again for another hour 🙈
@Jess I try but she just pings up wade awake, even contact naps on me she sleeps even less, on a very rare occasion she will sleep 40-50mins max, can’t remember last time she slept an hour. I try gentle stroking on the head and she looks drowsy and one minute later while I’m still doing it starts wiggling about 😂
@Fiona I think she has a massive FOMO, I leave the room for 2 seconds and she’s already making noises, spitting dummy out 😂 I have to take her to bathroom with me in moses basket just to brush teeth in the morning 😅 I will try picking her up before she wakes up then, see if that will work maybe. She looks rested though which is weird considering the naps are so short, I can’t rest with 30min nap myself 😂😂
@Viktorija to be fair my little girl wiggles on the bath mat when I have a shower. Today I ate my lunch on the floor while she was in her playmat and she watched me eat and thought it was funny. She also.hangs out in the bouncer if I'm sorting washing and she'll wiggle on the foil blanket whilst I cook. I will say she's relatively chilled, and these strategies wouldn't have worked as well with my first.
Do you have a baby Carrier? If you do try putting her in it and she may fall asleep on you & then you have your hands free to be able to do what you need to do. Getting out in the fresh air for a walk is always good too the rocking motion in buggy or carrier helps my boy sleep! It helped my little girl the same too when she was a baby. Xx