I would get a breathing pad if your moving her into her own room just as she isn’t next to you. Honestly do what you feel is best for your family. The breathing pad will give you piece of mind and you will all sleep well x
I wouldn’t at all. There is a reason that the guidance is a minimum of 6 months.
I’m currently reading ‘Cribsheet’ by Emily Oster and just read the chapter on recommendations for sleeping in parents’ room. I will share the snippet here if case it’s useful. Our current plan is to keep baby in our room for the first 12 weeks when the chance of SIDs is at its highest and then move her into the nursery but my sister in law moved her LO into her nursery at 8 weeks so it does vary! Do what you feel is right for your family but hope that helps! ☺️
I moved our baby to her own room at 8 weeks for same reason. I invested in a smart sock so I would know she’s okay being across the hall from me which was also about 10ft away. It worked great for us. It’s not recommended but it worked for my family and we all slept so much better. She’s 17m now and still thriving
It’s not advised due to the SIDs risk.