We use dentinox for tummy aches and gas pain for my little one we found that infacol drops weren’t effective for her x
@Lillie yes I tried infacol and saw no change x
Give dentinox a try, you can give it orally or within a bottle, we tend to pop it in the bottle because it does have a strong taste so the milk helps mask that! But it worked instantly with my little one, within a few minutes she’d stopped crying and was happy x
We tried gaviscon for my little girl who is 12 weeks it seemed to help her reflux a bit but made her very constipated she would only go for a bowel movement every 4 days and really struggled and was in a lot of pain when she did eventually go . Some people have had good results with it just didn't work for us .
I know infacol can help with wind which you can get in a shop