.. how to feel about him as a person ya know. I liked him but I felt the creeps from him sometimes too. I kind of do think he may have crossed lines w my cousin but I don't know. Maybe I'm 100% wrong. I kept it to myself not knowing. When my daughter was little he said oh I can drive her to school for you whenever your sick or take her for ice cream blah blah like sounds nice and he's family.. but of course I said no. People were like wtf why won't you let him help you guys. I said no explanation needed. Thanks for offering but it's okay. Or she's feeling shy maybe one day we can all go. Trust your gut just in case is my advice. Better to be wrong and protect your baby any day honestly
Not calling him a creeper.at all! So I hope that doesn't come off as offensive. I'm just trying to relate and let you know I don't think you're crazy at all. I think that's weird behavior and don't let it happen if it makes you uncomfortable
Not crazy. Sounds like someone who shouldn't be alone with your child. If someone has given you a reason not to trust them, it's already too late.
No, it actually made me feel better! I actually know how you feel, i had a great grandpa that i never felt comfortable being alone with cause he always got super close to me. But this is my husbands step dad and i never had an issue with him until my daughter was born. I constantly tell him to stop kissing her and to stop putting his mouth on her almost everytime that we're at their house. He always takes her when i come through the door (ive gotten to where i kinda just speed through the house with her so i can get a chance to set our stuff down before i hand her off) and then everyone else holds her, but its like as soon as she gets back to me, hes getting up and coming over to take her back. I was planning to stand where i can see in the room the next time we go over to see what he does while he doesnt think anyone is watching. Lord idk what ill do if he does. He'll never hold her again thats for sure or any of my future children. I just wanted someone to validate my feelings cause i know if i talk to my
Husband about it, it will start a fight and im just about done arguing with him. I hate confrontation so literally im shaking when i tell him to stop kissing her and stuff. Ive been thinking about it all week and get worked up everytime it crosses my mind cause my gut is just telling me that this may be whats happening. Last time we were there, he spent too long in that room with her just to be grabbing her walker. Something is just not sitting right with me and like i said, he has not given me a reason to trust him.
My mom intuition saved my son’s life. I will never question it again
Ur the bby’s only protector so if u gotta hurt somebody’s feelings 2 keep her safe, do it! Call him out, put him on the spot & adress the issue, do it unapologetically. Who cares abt his feelings, he grown & he knows what he’s doing. His intentions can’t b pure if he’s taking her into separate rooms. That’s probably where he’s continuing 2 put his nasty mouth on her. U don’t know what he’s doing w her or 2 her & u shouldn’t just watch & not do anything. Put ur foot down & if setting boundaries hasn’t worked then keep her away from his creepy @ss. U never let ur daughter go anywhere by herself w anyone. U can’t put sht past nobody girl. I would stop bringing her around his weird @ss. A normal person would respect ur boundaries as a mother, not go out of their way 2 disrespect u & ur daughter’s autonomy.
Listen to ur gut
Yes girl your feelings are valid! And having this baby to love and stand up for can help you find your voice in situations like that. I think our kids teach us powerful lessons from the start 🫶 you just stay right with that baby at all times and ignore anyone who objects ! You're the mama after all Damn I'd drop my bags right in the floor and just stick right by her lol who cares what they think about it. And I'm not saying to get into it w your husband or like not chat about issues, but arguments where the other person isn't going to see your side are a waste of energy. So instead of arguing with him stand your ground w him too. Just say hey I see where you're coming from with what you think as well, however I'm going to always trust my feelings with our baby and my feelings are just telling me to stand my ground here and I don't want anyone kissing her so I won't let them. End of story really. No need to debate. It's weird that anyone would fr
Always Always Alllllllwaysss TRUST YOUR INTUITION no matter what it is! A woman intuition is usually 9 out of 10 times correct 💯% trust it!
Sending courage your way girl! You got this! 💗🥹
@Monica thank you!
Omg no. You're not being crazy at all. I'd go as far as to say anywhere she goes I'm going or that I've even changed my mind and no one else can hold her today on the day he's around ect. Do anything and everything to make sure he's never alone w that baby... just my opinion. But intuition doesn't lie and even if you were not right it's better to look like a bit of an over protective mom and make a couple people annoyed than have that happen AT All ya know what I mean. That's a fully normal boundary to have. And also that is your daughter and her little body and she can't speak for herself. I have a step grandpa of my own and he never acted too odd towards me but he was weirdly close w my little cousin when we were kids and as a toddler he kissed her on the mouth... like I felt strange about it always but also he was a nice loving man who did so much for our family and my grandmother and helped us get our cars when we were teens ect... so there was a part of me that was like hmm confused about...