Right ovary pain

For the past few weeks I’ve been getting sharp pain in my right ovary. It’s on and off throughout the day. I have been breastfeeding for pretty much a year. My daughter turns one this weekend. I haven’t had my period yet. Please can someone tell me if they’ve experienced this? What is it? Should I go to the dr? They will probably say it’s nothing like they always do. Thank you
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I have had sharp pain in my left ovary for most of my adult life. I’ve been to several doctors about it and nobody has given me a real answer. I even had a doctor tell me it was IBS. Sorry I know this is unhelpful but you’re not alone! I hope you can figure it out! Could possibly best cysts or something like that.

I’m sorry to hear that for you. I thought maybe it was ovulation? But I haven’t had a period yet. Gosh I don’t know. Hope you get better xx

Could definitely bo ovulation, or a cyst even. You can always contact your provider to see if they believe it's important enough to have checked out.

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