As lily said you can’t take KIT days once you have returned to work and taking annual leave is classified as returning to work
Kit can only be taken whilst on mat leave and may leave must be ended before holiday can be used x
Annual leave ends your maternity leave so you can’t use KIT days. I’m about to swap to A/L from Monday for 7 weeks and it’s really annoying as I’ve done a few KIT days but lots will change over the next 7 weeks that it’d be useful for me to know!
I see what you all mean. Thanks ladies. I just assumed I could use it as part of my phased return; I guess not
From my understanding, KIT days are only allowed to be used whilst on maternity leave. Once maternity leave is finished you are no longer entitled to KIT days regardless if you extend maternity leave using annual leave as that would be classed as just annual leave and not maternity leave xx