Am i being overly cautious or reasonable?

So my husband is kind of upset with me. We usually take a shower together after our daughter (who's 1y and 9m) goes to bed. Tonight he's really tired and said he wanted to put our daughter in her room and close the door while we shower. I told him I'm not going to do that because frankly, she could choke and die in the amount of time it takes us to shower. And we wouldn't have any idea. I typically don't leave stuff out that she can just choke on especially in her room, but if you have kids you know that they are masters at finding things they aren't supposed to have. He got mad and said "I guess we can only do things together on the weekends". And I was like I mean that's kind of what happens when you work 10 hours and have kids... So am I being overly cautious or am I being reasonable??
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I get you but surely they're unattended for longer at night when everyone is sleeping though, right?

I would put my son in a pack n play we keep for this kind of thing in his room with some mega blocks or books, minimal to no choke risk. Because no I would not leave my son awake and alone in his room at that age. Mostly because he could also open doors.

@Caroline well yes but shes in her crib with no toys or anything so Its a little different

Do you think it would confuse her if you put her in her crib with a couple books and just didn’t take too long in the shower

But anyway if there was no compromise to be had with him staying up/ her in a safe spot then no I wouldn’t shower with him that night

To clarify, was he proposing to leave the child awake in her room? Does she have a crib or bed? And do you all have a monitor? If you have a monitor, I would be fine with taking a shower. I do think it's unreasonable to leave an almost 2 yo awake in her room awake without a monitor/supervision.

I’m surprised so many people voted that you’re being overly cautious but maybe they don’t fully understand? I would never just lock my baby in his room so I can have naked time while he’s awake at this age. That’s crazy to me.

@Jessie my exact thought!!! If you guys normally shower together, what's the problem. Tomorrow is another day.

our oldest is 2yo, if she's awake and we want to shower together we keep the door open and she'll usually run around and play and come check on us sometime. Our home is baby proofed pretty well so I've never been too worried for us both to be in the shower while she plays

That’s going to be a hard NO for me. My child’s safety is my top priority. If she was asleep obvi we would shower, but awake in her room with the door closed, absolutely not. Like someone else said, if you typically shower together on the daily, what’s the big deal of missing one shower together?

Massive overreaction, sorry

Get a baby monitor and take it to the bathroom, which is how I use to shower

We have a playpen (baby jail) we call it 🤣 wheres she safe and happily plays can you do this?

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