Work from home moms?

Transitioning back from the maternity leave newborn bubble … Looking to connect with other working from home moms of little ones. How are we doing, ya’ll? Are we actually getting anything done? (If so, how?) (Baby girl’s not even mobile yet and I have no idea how I’m supposed to keep doing this.. trying to stay positive 😅) Also, how does one juggle trying to get work in, and feeling guilty about “not spending enough time” with your baby other than the feeding/changing essentials … asking for a friend …
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baby wearing is saving my life currently lol

Il working from home too ! I will say I do the heavy lifting when she’s asleep. For the rest from my phone (especially nursing). I for sure do not get a full time job done. Let’s not be crazy 😅 I try to stop work by 4:00pm and then, take her to the parc. This way, no matter what happen we are still share some quality time.

Hey! I’m questioning all of this too!!! I go back in two weeks and I’m dreading it (but also thankful that I can be home with my babe). I’m thinking I might get up an hour or so before he wakes up in the morning to get some stuff done, and I’ll definitely be doing a lot of baby wearing. I already do a lot of baby wearing anyways bc he won’t go down for naps. And on top of it I might have to do some work in the evening when my hubby is home and can watch him. I hope some of these things work out and if not I’ll have to re-evaluate work.

I am blessed my mom watches baby while I take zoom meetings. But after 3 hours of work and hearing my mom play with him and his squeals, i am a bit jelly. I want to play with my baby too. I do the night shift solo (single mom & he still wakes 2 times a night). I have zero desire to work more than a meeting. But i have work that I need to do beyond meetings and don’t know how to get motivated again. I enjoy what I do but I LOVE being a mom more! Struggling because i want to be more present for him but also need to afford his luxury diapers. 😂

Hi everyone, I also go back to WFH in two weeks and I am dreading it. Ultimately, the bills have to get paid and I am lucky to have my husband and mom to help but part of me wishes I didn’t need to work, while the other part of me recognizes that working is the only way I truly get to talk to people since I still don’t know anyone since I moved here 6 months ago. I feel torn sometimes.

I went back to work when my little one was 8 weeks and it’s been…ok haha. Sometimes she only contact naps so baby wearing is saving me as well as getting good at working on my side in bed. I know she won’t be like this forever so I’m trying to soak it up. But damn I worry about when she’s on the move. I’ll probably hire someone to come in 2-3 days a week to help out. What a privilege to be able to be just a stay at home mother in this economy 🥲

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