Il working from home too ! I will say I do the heavy lifting when she’s asleep. For the rest from my phone (especially nursing). I for sure do not get a full time job done. Let’s not be crazy 😅 I try to stop work by 4:00pm and then, take her to the parc. This way, no matter what happen we are still share some quality time.
Hey! I’m questioning all of this too!!! I go back in two weeks and I’m dreading it (but also thankful that I can be home with my babe). I’m thinking I might get up an hour or so before he wakes up in the morning to get some stuff done, and I’ll definitely be doing a lot of baby wearing. I already do a lot of baby wearing anyways bc he won’t go down for naps. And on top of it I might have to do some work in the evening when my hubby is home and can watch him. I hope some of these things work out and if not I’ll have to re-evaluate work.
I am blessed my mom watches baby while I take zoom meetings. But after 3 hours of work and hearing my mom play with him and his squeals, i am a bit jelly. I want to play with my baby too. I do the night shift solo (single mom & he still wakes 2 times a night). I have zero desire to work more than a meeting. But i have work that I need to do beyond meetings and don’t know how to get motivated again. I enjoy what I do but I LOVE being a mom more! Struggling because i want to be more present for him but also need to afford his luxury diapers. 😂
Hi everyone, I also go back to WFH in two weeks and I am dreading it. Ultimately, the bills have to get paid and I am lucky to have my husband and mom to help but part of me wishes I didn’t need to work, while the other part of me recognizes that working is the only way I truly get to talk to people since I still don’t know anyone since I moved here 6 months ago. I feel torn sometimes.
I went back to work when my little one was 8 weeks and it’s been…ok haha. Sometimes she only contact naps so baby wearing is saving me as well as getting good at working on my side in bed. I know she won’t be like this forever so I’m trying to soak it up. But damn I worry about when she’s on the move. I’ll probably hire someone to come in 2-3 days a week to help out. What a privilege to be able to be just a stay at home mother in this economy 🥲
baby wearing is saving my life currently lol