@Jenna I’m allergic so I can’t use birth control which makes it even scarier because he knows this.
Plan B?
Please get yourself and your baby away from this man asap. For so many reasons, but #1 is for both of your safety.
If you haven’t already sit him down and talk to him. And explain the severity. If that doesn’t work mama you may have to leave. You and your baby almost lost your lives. It was traumatizing and if he doesn’t realize that. Then he’s not the one.
If you’ve stopped engaging in intercourse and have no intentions of going back to him and continuing intercourse I wouldn’t even worry about him honestly.. just start ignoring it. He’s being insensitive and he knows it makes you uncomfortable and upset
I can’t believe the level of disrespect people in these comments are suggesting you put up with. Not to mention the risk to you/your babies safety and wellbeing. This is absolutely wild.
I would just leave him? You could still coparent but it sounds like you don’t want to be with him. And him threatening to get you pregnant when you don’t want to sleep with him is him threatening to rape you!! So you need to protect yourself.
Please please make plans to leave him! This is so scary and no woman should put up with it!
Birth control just in case ?