I have a baby bjorn. It's not cheap but well worth it. There are 2 types of carrier. One where baby is directly up against your back or tummy, and another where they are fixed into the carrier and there's material between you and baby. Mine is the latter and to me it makes all the difference. It's much less sweaty as there's material between me and baby. It also means I can transfer from my back to my front so much easier. We had the first type but stopped using it precisely because of these reasons and splashed out on the Bjorn when baby 2 came along!
@Megan thank you! I’ll look into this
@Jessica this is really helpful thank you, I looked into baby bjorn- are you able to link me with the one that has a material between ? I wasn’t aware of this! Did you use it on your little one ? A few of the reviews for baby bjorn mentioned it may not be suitable for newborns
I picked up a baby bjorn in TK Max for about £60.00 - deffo have a look in there every now and again! X
If you want to spend 3-500$ artipoppe, they are very simple and can be front facing or put on back too
@Tabby this is the one I have and I use it with my newborn. It says from 3.5kg and she is 3.2kg right now. https://www.babybjorn.co.uk/products/baby-carriers/baby-carrier-one-air/navy-blue-3d-mesh/
Tula. I have a standard size with the additional infant insert, so I can use that one from birth until 25lb. Then I have the toddler size which is for 20-55 lb.
Highly recommend the baby wearing UK Facebook group. We used the Ergo Omni Breeze for 18 months with my son (be careful of buying second hand as lots of fake) but isn’t suitable for newborns so have brought an Izmi which is to get us to the weight of the Ergo. Highly recommend them both, really easy to use, safe for their hips and my husband can use both too 😊
I have the baby bjorn carrier one, it says from newborn but my baby was small so didn’t fit in it at the start. Its super easy to use and is comfy. I also have a baby wrap from Amazon which I love ☺️
Have a look on momcozy and ensure they currently have 15% off their carriers. I just purchased the mesh baby wrap for around the house
I have a Nuna Cudl which I love.
I’m using the Bjorn Mini because my newborn was really teeny tiny and standard size ones just didn’t feel right for him. It also has a head support which is great for newborns. But now I am looking for something more supportive because the mini one doesn’t have a back support
I have an ergobaby embrace and I love it
@Megan hi megan! Do you find it supportive enough and easy on the body?
Trusted by 5M+ women
Trusted by 5M+ women
@Tiffany hi tiffany! Can you please advise if it’s supportive enough? And doesn’t put a strain on your body?
I haven’t used yet with baby but absolutely will be getting my Artipoppe and Ergobaby Omni 360 mesh out again this time, never got on with fabric wraps either
I really like my ergobaby embrace x