Dear mama ♥️ it’s hard & it’s not just you, I promise! 🤗 If I may, can you possibly take 10 minutes to make yourself a tea, listen to a song that you like, light up a candle or even put on a perfume that makes you feel good usually? 😁 I know the immediate instinct is to say you don’t have the time, but REALLY, 10 minutes you deserve to give them to yourself ♥️♥️♥️ I promise it will help you charge just a tiny bit and you’ll be able to look at everything you have left and pick and choose what is a MUST. Not everything is, even if it feels like it 🤗 You CAN DO IT, but don’t make yourself do it ALL 🤗
Right there with you. Deadlines are not made for toddlers and vice versa. We are packing and moving this weekend, and the struggle is real. "We'll potty when we get to the new house, Buddy..." 😬
Ohh thats how i am currently. I feel like thats all I do all day its soo freaken hard😭 i have a 1 year old and a 3.5 year old. My 3.5 is mostly independent but still in potty training mode but my 1 year old has been so clingy lately ! He doesnt want me to move from his sight its so hard
Thank you all 🙏🏼 Trying to focus on one thing at a time ❤️
Can relate with my 12 week old and 3 year old 😅🙏🏻 x
I feel this! I hate being behind on household stuff but i have two under two and my goodness it's hard to get things done. Baby wearing helps. And I always tell myself, this quote I read when I'm getting fustrated about it... 'The days are long but the years are short.'
I am going through the same thing 😣 I have an 8 month old and 2 year old, and I feel like it’s physically impossible to juggle taking care of the babies, myself and our home/ chores. There is not enough time in the day. I know it will get easier once 8 month old is a little bigger and can entertain herself for longer periods of time. But wow rn it’s so difficult to keep up, I feel like I’m drowning at times.
You got this mama ❤️ If you don’t already get yourself a good supportive baby wear carrier and baby wear for as long as you can without getting touched out or straining your back. I have a 2.5 year old and 7 week old and baby wearing is the only way I get anything done